Tuesday, August 9, 2016

My Dear Blessed Devotees of Sadguru Sainath....

My Dear Blessed Devotees of Sadguru Sainath Maharaj,


God bless you.

Never waste a single minute.

Time and work is precious.

You have a glorious mission in life.

You are born to achieve great glory.

Be truthful in your life journey.

This will give you Peace, Health and Joy with Prosperity.


Yoga does not consist in mere reading of any holy books and discussion on a club table. Yoga means practical life to be applied in day to day activities.

What you already know, adopt, adjust, acquire, analyze, act and attain the aim of your life on this Holy Earth.

Serve the poor and the sick; serve the sorrowful needy, distressed and old people with love, sympathy and kindness in the spirit of worship.

In serving others, you serve and worship God directly.

This is the highest religion in our Sanatana Dharma.


Let the thoughts agree with the words.

Let the words agree with the actions.

Let there be harmony between thoughts, words and actions.

Pray, meditate and chant God's name daily.

Pray to the Lord with the heart filled with devotion and love.

Take complete refuge in the Lord.


Respect all religions. All religions lead to one God.

Respect, regard and reach the hearts of all saints and prophets.

The saints of different orders are all messengers of one God.

Love, serve, honor and enter the spirit of unity in diversity in the hearts of Humanity.

May Lord Sri Sai, the Sadguru bless you all.

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