Saturday, August 13, 2016

Once or Twice, I will Warn, The End will be....





Baba: If you avoid rivalries and bickering, God will protect you.

Return not evil for evil. Return good for evil.

Other's words cannot harm you.



Baba: Life is lived in vain if no yoga. Yoga, Tapas and Jnana be achieved.



Baba (in a message to a Devotee): Will you sit idle (merely) eating your food. Have Saburi (patience and courage).



Baba: (to some one to his face) Our (your) end will get so better or wretched. Once or twice, I will warn. The end will be hard indeed if one does not heed the advice given. Even the child in the womb, we will cut to pieces and throw away if it falls athwart.



(Baba's Charters and Sayings # 289-292)

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