Monday, August 1, 2016

Re-appointment Beyond the Age of 60 Years of B.Ramanadha Rao with Sai’s Grace


Re-appointment Beyond the Age of 60 Years of B.Ramanadha Rao with Sai's Grace


After I retired in 1973, I reverted to Sri Sai's work, the whole day being at ray disposal to serve, think and feel about Sri Sai. I did not think of taking up a job as my attempts immediately after retirement did not succeed. I thought it was Sri Sai's will that 1 should dedicate and devote my time to HIM. So, I kept myself engaged in writing something on Sri Sai, my experience perceptibly felt, in which how the unseen miraculous hand of the mystic saint plays the role to help his Bhaktas, as such experience of a devotee if published will attract Sai devotees more than publishing philosophy or scriptures.


it is not exaggerating, if I should say, how the wondrous saint is keeping his constant contact and vigil on His dedicated Bhakta is impressively explained by this unexpected miracle of mine in this article.

With prostrations to Sri Sai I. start to say, it was in the 2nd week of December 73, while I—was to sit for Sri Sai Pooja at HIS LOTUS FEET, I had a call from CSO's office by Shri P. S. Chellappa, IPS, CSO. I sent a word that I will see him after Pooja. It appears I was wondering as to how I could sit for Pooja even unmindful of the appointment he was offering me.

As usual after pooja I went and saw CSO. My impression was that Mrs. CSO Madam being a staunch Devotee of Sri Sai might have wanted me for any clarification or literature on Sri Sai Baba. I could not even think or imagine of any appointment since it was a closed chapter to me as I was beyond 60 years of age-As soon as I entered CSO's room, he sarcastically asked me, "Even when an appointment is offered, you do not seem to be curious about it, but are more interested in Sai Pooja." I humbly and coolly replied that CSO knows it is Sri Sai who continued me in service beyond 58 years and it is Sri Sai who worked the miracle of my commutation, so CSO will kindly agree that Pooja first, the rest next and CSO will excuse me. Then CSO said Yes, You are right and got my application for appointment as a clerk under him in the same office in connection with the implementation of the revised pay scale of the Railway Employees. This was really surprising to me since while 1 did not aim at a job, an appointment was being offered to me by the same Officer and in the same office from where I retired. I could think of CSO directing me for an appointment to some firm or company since he is sympathetic with me, but Lo! He was offering me a Central Govt. job with all benefits, privileges and facilities as that of regular appointment and that too under his direct control in his own office, naturally a thing not expected nor imagined.

A further wonder is that 1 was sent for medical examination as due for fresh appointment on 10-1-74, A THURSDAY– Note Thursday – more wonderful and surprising is that my anxiety was to finish medical examination on 10-1-74, so that 1 could join duty on 11-1-74 Friday, when I will be able to earn wages for 4 days with intervening holidays – 12th II Saturday, 13th Sunday, 14th Monday, PONGAL and 15th Tuesday -'Bhogi Festival – If I don't join on Friday the 11th I will be a loser of days wages – otherwise a heavy loss of 5 days wages, as I could join duty only after holidays on the 16th

To my surprise  as I wished,   my medical   examination was over by about 1030 AM on 10- -74 and I rushed to CSO's office handed over the fitness certificate and wonder of wonders is that I was made to join duty then and there on the same day (Thursday itself. Thus Sri Sai made me eligible for one additional day's wages as it was only 11A.M. when I handed over the fitness Certificate Orders were   immediately issued to me from   10-1-74 Thursday itself contrary to   my thinking   that I   can join duty on Friday

Thus I earned 6 days wages instead of 5 days, and unexpected 'thing I never dreamt of. Here I must acknowledge my indebtedness and express my gratitude to Sri S. Ganesan, Assistant Security officer, for his kind help, who is ' interested in me and bears a soft corner for me. Is it not clear that these developments at each stage are by the unseen miraculous hand of the Mystic saint Sri Sai towards His Bhakta who is, dedicated and devoted to HIM? Thus Sri Sai bestowed and blessed me with this unexpected appointment and the benefit of earning nearly Rs. 400/- per month with all privileges of pass, leave holidays etc. for one full year from 10-1-74 to 9-1-75, on reappointment in the same office and under the same Officer Sri P. S. Chellappa, IPS, who was my boss when I retired in 1973.

What I wish to impress on Sri Sai Devotees is not that I got reappointment, but how I got it without thought or effort. Many learned Senior and more ardent Bhaktas than me may contribute articles on philosophy, slogans on Sri Sai. But it is 'my humble: opinion that Sai Bhaktas will admire and they will be more attracted by personal experiences of Bhaktas in which the miraculous hand of the Mystic Saint has been playing a role, in their daily life and who are at his LOTUS  FEET day in and day out, dedicated and devoted to HIM with their faith firm as that of HIS rock seat at Shirdi it is my forgone conclusion that "HIS" grace will be showered on those devotees and they will enjoy the fruits of HIS Bliss.

To sum up my experience in this particular instance, I place before you the following miraculous points as to how Sri Sai wielded the affairs to help his Bhaktas.

A Bhakta who never thought of an appointment beyond 60 years, which he felt as a closed chapter, was voluntarily offered the reappointment.


2    That Shri P. S Chellappa, IPS, the Chief Security Officer should remember me even months after my retirement, send for me and offer me this reappointment, to whom I am ever grateful and highly indebted.


3.    That the appointment is under the same Officer and in the same office, from where I retired in 1973.


4.    That the Medical Examination should be over within hours on 10-1-74 (Thursday) and 1 joined duty the same day thus making me earn 6 days wages as against 5 days, I aimed at.

5.     I hat how Sri Sai, in order to help His Bhakta, who surren­dered to HIM, goes to Railway Board at Delhi, interferes with the orders for reappointment from the age of 58 to 60 and extends them to the age of 60 to 62 years, which the Railway Board itself did not contemplate.

NOTE;    Anything that happens to me through Sri Sai Baba, occurs only on Thursdays. Even my reappointment, for which I joined on Thursday, was terminated also on Thursday.

Till this day Sri Sai Baba has kept me in good health, money and comforts, in that, I should say that HE has blessed me with two square meals a day, a shelter to live in and a cloth to wear. without ever feeling the dirth, and enough and more to attend to visitors to my abode HIS KUTlR. Like Annapurna (Akshaya-patra) I am satisfied and contented with this and I ask for no more but salvation at  HIS  LOTUS  FEET.

Bow to Sri Sai!    Peace to all|    MAY HE BLESS ALL!

B.  Ramanadha Rao

Sri Sai Kutir

Madras – II    Pin: 600011 (T. N.)

Source Shri Sai Leela June 1975


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