Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Sai Baba tells His own story

Sai Baba tells His own story

One day while sitting in Dwarkamai Sai Baba broke His silence and started narrating an incident as under.

Once I went to Aurangabad while roaming here and there. There was a mosque with a big tamarind tree in its centre. A fakir lived in the mosque. His name was Matababa. I asked for his permission to stay in the mosque. Initially the fakir did not allow Me, I requested him again and again and at last after a long discussion he agreed.

An old woman lived nearby. That woman used to give a piece of roti to Matababa. Matababa used to live on that small piece of roti for the whole day. He never begged for food from anyone in the village. So I asked for his permission to go to beg for food from the villagers, so that we can get sufficient quantity of food for both of us.

In this way about 12 years passed. After that I took permission to leave Matababa. The fakir was in tears with the thought of my separation. At that time I consoled that fakir saying that I will come here again someday while roaming here and there.

I never speak untruth and to fulfil my promise, I went to meet that fakir after four years. He was very happy to see me again.

That fakir of Aurangabad came to Shirdi after some years and I made him stay in Chavadi……in this way Sai Baba completed His story. (There are some points in Sai Sarovar book after this sentence which has to be disclosed here is that…who was Matababa? when did he come to Shirdi? These facts are available nowhere other than this book; Sai Baba only understands the meaning of His own confusing words).

After a small pause, there was a slight disturbance in the silence of Dwarkamai when this conversation was going on. Some sparrows were chirping on the top of Dwarkamai. Shama asked, why are all these sparrows chirping here together? To this Sai Baba replied, all these sparrows were born as sparrows in their previous birth and they are so lucky that in this birth also they are together. These sparrows used to sit on the top of Dwarkamai. But one day a snake came there and at once gulped up all the sparrows. (Here the author presents his thoughts like this….I think any snake can't gulp up the entire sparrow at one stroke. Sai Baba must have symbolized snake for Yamraj). Due to the merits of their past birth God has given them the form of sparrow in this birth also. Not only this, they were born in the Holy Land of Shirdi. Today all of them have met and so they are expressing their happiness by chirping. Even God is incapable of describing their happiness.

Source: Translated from Gujarati Book "Sai Sarovar" 

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