Saturday, March 12, 2016

Experiencesof Sai - Recorded by Late Hon. Hari Sitaram Dixit

Experiencesof Sai - Recorded by Late Hon. Hari Sitaram Dixit



A Brahmin from Shahadewas sentenced to be hanged. A Muslim friend of his was Sai Baba's ardent devotee.  He went to Baba and told him about the fate of his friend.  Maharaj said, "Allah will bless after four days," and asked the Muslim devotee to stay. While he was still in Shirdi, they received the news that his friend was set free in the appeal.



Honourable Chidambar Rao Gadgil was a devotee of Lord Ganesh. He therefore, perceived Baba as a form of Lord Ganesh. He even did Baba's Pooja with all the things associated with Ganesh Pooja. One day, while he was performing the Puja, Baba said, "This old man is a thug. He says there is a mouse under my seat." In this way Baba made it known that He knew Gadgil perceived Him as Lord Ganesh.



 Once, I had ordered a floral 'Shera' from Ahmednagar. I offered it to Maharaj. I had also tucked Rs. 25/- at my waist. Maharaj asked, "What have you brought?" I said, 'Shera'. "But, you need to give Rs. 25/- as Dakshina with it," Baba said. I replied, "You gave me the good sense to bring it with me, Baba," and offered the Dakshina to Him.



Once, Haribhaktaparayan Madhavbuva Badodekar said to me, "Let us both go together for Sai Baba's Darshan." But, it was not to be. He later went to Sangamner, where his brother-inlaw was the Mamletdar. When he expressed his wish to visit Shirdi, his brother-in-law immediately arranged a Tonga for him and he reached Shirdi. I happened to be in Shirdi at that time. We met in the Masjid. I said, "Since you have come all the way, stay over for a day." But, since the Tonga had to return, he said, he could not stay. Because, it was his ardent desire to go, we went to take Baba's leave. Baba consented and said, "Goquickly!" Madhavbuvahad hardly gone a mile, when it started pouring heavily. But, it was surprising that he did not get wet or catch a chill from the cold winds, although he was not wearing warm clothes.



Once, while I was in Shirdi, Sadguru Sai Baba inquired, whether Pradhan had come. I replied, "No; but should I call him?" Baba just said, "Okay."  The day Baba thought of Pradhan, it so happened that Pradhan suddenly felt giddy and became unconscious in the lawyer's room of the High Court. While losing consciousness he remembered Baba. The other lawyers tried to revive him; but he soon regained consciousness on his own. His colleagues offered to take him home in a car; but he convinced them that he was absolutely okay and went home with his friends Ramdatta Vithoba Desai and Ramkrishna Shrikrishna Navalkar, by train. The next day, Bala Shimpi, a resident of Shirdi visited him with Baba's Udi. He also received my letter stating that Baba was remembering him. This is a fine example of how Guru Mauli protects His devotees from calamities.



Adam was a real estate agent, who lived in Bandra. Once, he was accused in a criminal case and it looked like the case would be committed to the Sessions Court. Adam got extremely scared and confused. On the morning of the day of the judgement, Adam went to Tendulkar's house and standing in front of Baba's portrait said, "You are laughing at me. But, I will not leaveyou, even if I am sentenced to jail for six months. I can see that I will surely go to jail; butyouknow, I am innocent. You must save me." He fell at the feet of Tendulkar and his wife Savitribai and cried. Later, when he met Mrs. Tendulkar on the road, he again fell at her feet and pleaded, "Please, say Baba will save me." He just wouldn't let go of her feet until she said, "Baba will surely save you." Helater went to the court, where Baba upheld his honour. All the accused were found guilty; but only Adam was acquitted. Obviously, Adam was delirious with joy. He went to Tendulkar's house to offer his thanks to Baba and touched everyone's feet. That evening an unknown Fakir visited him. Adam said, "Let's go and have some tea." The Fakir agreed; but after some time when Adam turned around, the Fakir was nowhere to be seen. He searched far and wide; but to no avail. The very next day Adam left for Shirdi totake Baba's Darshan.



 One of my friends visited Shirdi on the occasion of Guru Poornima last year. He had never met Baba while He was in mortal coil. He had heard of Sai Maharaj and longed for his Darshan; but it did not happen. But, on the previous Punyatithi he fulfilled his desire to at least take Darshan of Baba's Samadhi. With Sai's Blessings he became completely engrossed with Baba and devoted maximum time in Sai's worship. The joy he felt almost oozed out of his entire body.


A couple of months ago he had reluctantly made preparations to visit his son, who was working in a faraway state. After he had crossed almost three-fourths of the distance, he halted for an overnight stay. There he dreamt of Baba being taken in a procession with great pomp and glory. A horse-rider invited him to join and he saw himself going with him. After seeing this dream he cancelled his further journey, returned home and came to Shirdi for Guru Poornima celebrations. There he joined in the Rath Yatra. After staying in Shirdi for a few days, he went on a pilgrimage along with some other devotees. He finally reached his village at around 4 a.m. His house is surrounded by a compound, which has a gate, which is padlocked. At about 4.15 a.m. he called out to his folks, who were fast asleep. He banged atthe gate; but no one heard him. At that time a girl in the house dreamt of Baba admonishing her, 'Why are yousleeping?Getup!He is at the gate.' She immediately woke up and when she opened the gate, lo and behold, she found my friend standing there, just as Baba had said!



A gentleman from Mumbai had gone to Shirdi for Sadguru Sai's Darshan. Later Baba gave him permission to go; but did not ask for any Dakshina. When the gentleman returned to the Wada, he felt a bit sad that Baba had not asked for any Dakshina. Sometime later, Baba sent a man to call him and when he went into the Masjid, asked for Dakshina, making the man truly happy.



Mathuradas from Anjanal used to come for Baba's Darshan quite often. He used to stay at Sagun's lodge. Once, while both of them were talking, they gossiped about some people. When Mathuradas went to meet Baba, He immediately asked, "What was Sagun saying?" Mathuradas was embarrassed and realised that Baba did not like them gossiping. He learnt the lesson that it was not good to talk ill of others.



Once, when Babasaheb Tarkhad had gone to Shirdi, Baba ordered him to go to the Wada and listen to the discourse (Pothi). The topic that day was 'The Tale of Dhruva'. In it was a description of the 'Nirgun' (beyond attributes) and 'Nirakar' (formlessness) facets of the Creator. After the discourse, Babasaheb went to Baba and said, "You brought me here after a year and a half. Now keep me at your feet forever!"  Baba said, "I am always with you."



Shantabai lived in Turbhe village near Belapur in Thane district. Her left thumb had a deep ulcer in the bone for seven years. One night she dreamt that Baba advised her to use 'Dikemali', a medicinal herb on it. The woman woke up in a happy state of mind, used the herb as advised by Baba, and was cured. She wrote this in a letter sent to Baba. It is dated 1st September, 1918.



A  Punjabi Brahmin, named Ramlal lived in Shirdi. When he was in Mumbai, Maharaj beckoned him in his dream to come to Shirdi. At that time, he did not know, Who Maharaj was, as he had not seen him in a person or even in a photograph. The next day, while walking on the road, he saw a photo of Baba in a shop. He inquired with the shopkeeper about the name and address of the person in the photo. Subsequently he went to Shirdi and lived there till Baba took Samadhi.



A man by the name Narayan Motiram Dighe lived in Mumbai. He suffered from a tumour in his stomach. It was quite hard and he suffered miserably. He consulted a couple of renowned doctors; but to no avail. Later someone suggested to him to visit Baba. Obviously, it was not possible in his painful state. He said that if, with Baba's blessings the tumour was ruptured and the pus passed through the stools, he would be relieved and then could visit Sai Maharaj.  So, the gentleman gave him Sai's Udi. Dighe ingested the Udi.The very next day the tumour ruptured and the pus started passing through the stools. In a couple of days he felt better and visited Shirdi for Baba's Darshan.



One morning while reading, I found a confusing question and was dumbfounded.  Ultimately, I left the book and went to have my lunch. After lunch I left for office. At Bandra station, a friend of mine saw me and got into the same compartment. He sat next to me. Later, at Mahim his friend got in and we were introduced to each other. I invited him for Kirtan at my place in the evening. My Bandra friend alighted at Dadar. The friend from Mahim did not speak to me; but I saw him writing something. He gave me a piece of paper before getting down at Grant Road station. There was an 'Abhanga' written on it. Reading it, solved the problem, which had confused me in the morning. Likewise, it is my experience, that many such problems have been suddenly solved.



Once, an astrologer went to Shirdi. He went for Baba's Darshan; but all his attention was concentrated on money. He did not perceive making much money in Shirdi and so, quickly returned to Rahata. That night a scorpion stung him. When the pain became unbearable, he applied Baba's Udi and kept uttering Baba's name. His pain subsided and he trusted Baba entirely. He returned to Shirdi the very next morning. He stayed there for 15-20 days and with Baba's blessings he earnedabout Rs. 300/-.


Sai Leela, year I, Margashirsh, Shaké 1845, Vol. X

By Jyoti Ranjan Raut 8/A Kakad Estate, 106 Sea Face Road, Worli, Mumbai -400 018.


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