Sunday, March 27, 2016



It was during the year 1977, I took up the worship of Saibaba. Since then myself and my family members, have been experiencing hundreds of Baba's miracles. In this article, I shall confine myself to my first hand experiences, in respect of Baba's miracles.

Entry into Baba's Path


During the year 1977, I first came across an article in BLITZ weekly, wherein several experiences of Shiridi Sai, were given by devotees, with their addresses. This attracted me very much. Items required for Baba's Pooja are, Baba's Photo, Garland, Dhoop, Deep and Peda as Naivedya.


Most of the devotees, expressed that their wishes were fulfilled and problems were solved by Baba, within five weeks from the commencement of Baba's worship.


Seeking solution to a problem, I have takenup Babas worship from the following Thursday. One after the other, the four Thursdays passed, to my disappointment there was no solution to my problem. I became desperate and much disturbed. I stopped worship of Baba on the fifth Thursday. No offerings to Baba on that day ... neither I bought Garland, nor I let any Dhoop sticks. I thought I have been carried away by the false propaganda; of the so called devotees who gave their experiences in the "BLITZ" paper, but this wrong notion of mine was short lived.


It was in the early hours of the next day i.e. on Friday. Baba appeared in my dream. A tall figure dressed in white clothes.radiating face. I have experienced a magnetic vibration. Immediately I prostrated on Baba's feet. These were the words of Baba in English "Even though I left my body, my miracles shall be experienced by my devotees for thousands of should have "faith & patience". As I wokeup Baba's vision gradually disappeared, but this thrilling experience was felt by me throughout the day. I was almost in a trance the complete day. I first prostrated in front of Baba's photo and requested him to pardon me and narrated my experience to my wife. Later on I rushed to market in the early hours, brought garland, peda etc. and completed the Thursday's pooja on Friday.


First visit to Shirdi


After this experience, my faith in Baba increased. There was a strong urge in me to visit Shirdi. This materialised in a most surprising and miraculous way, within one month. One of my friends, while proceeding towards Shirdi requested me to accompany him. He had an urgent personal work with a relative, in a nearby village i.e. about Hundred Kms. from Shirdi. I said that I shall surely give him company, if we can touch Shirdi and spend a few hours. My friend readily agreed to my bargain. Thus Baba has arranged my Shirdi visit. I have not spent a single pie for the Visit When I entered Shirdi Temple, I was very surprised to notice the words "FAITH" and "PATIENCE" at the internal main entrance. Immediately, I recollected my dream and Baba's words. What a thrilling experience which I cannot explain in words! Since then, I had hundreds of experiences in my day to day life. Baba is protecting and guiding me from time to time. What is required from us is true devotion and surrender. Baba is the wirepuller of all our actions and supreme controller. Baba rectifies the defects of his devotee, by adopting all the methods. He protects his devotees and safeguards them from danger, all the time. He renders timely help when his devotee is in distress. His existence is not limited to Shirdi alone. He is omnipresent throughout the world Sai devotees experience miracles irrespective of religion, colour or caste. Baba knows the wishes of his devotees and fulfills them. He corrects, suggests and guides his devotees from Darkness to light.


ARKEY MOORTHY, M.A. (Philosophy), Secunderabad


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