Thursday, March 17, 2016


Guruvaar Prarthna




Our Beloved Sadguru Sainath, please accept our humble prayers on this Holy Day of Guruvaar. Baba,You are our God, and You are Truth, and You are Good, Absolute Good, and You are Beauty, and You are Holiness. The human soul has somehow lost You and You maynot be found again until, in Your infinite grace, You come down and touch the human soul. For it is true, too true, that behind man's search for You, You are searching for man. You seek man.  You seek every one of Your children who have turned away from You. And You will not rest until we all have returned to You. There lies our deepest hope. On this holy day we start our prayers by reading your divine guidance in Shri Sai Samartha Satcharitra.



Worshippers were aware of the conventions of puja and that without offering dakshina in the form of gold or flowers, a puja would not be complete.


Dakshina for Guru Puja is as necessary as a gift at the time of a king's coronation or at the time of "pada-puja" (puja of the feet).


It is said in the Vedas that those who offer dakshina attain the highest position (i.e. heaven). Those who offer gold coins attain salvation and wisdom and purity of mind.


It is also said that offering sandalwood paste brings sanctity, offering rice coloured with kumkum and turmeric brings long life; offering flowers and betel nut brings wealth and prosperity and great riches by dakshina.


The golden flower of dakshina is as important in puja as sandalwood, coloured rice, flowers and betelnut, for itbestows on the giver vast riches.


Dakshina is necessary at the time of puja of a deity as wellas the worship of a Siddha. It is the custom of those who perform a 'vrat', at the time of its completion, to offer gold as a gift to the Brahmins.


The frantic activity of this world depends totally on money.It is also the means for covering up loss of reputation.Money is essential for that.


When uttering the Vedic Mantras "HiranyagarbhaGharbhasta" etc. at the time of worship of a deity, dakshina is sanctified, then why should it not be given when worshipping a Saint?


When going for the darshan of a Saint, each one behaves as per his own light. Every person has a different view point and it is difficult for all to agree upon one and the same thing.


Some go with a view to sing praises and pay their respects; some go to test a Saint; some think that a Saint is he who can read your mind and tell you.


Some pray for longevity; some want elephants, gold, wealth, property; some wish for sons and grandsons; some want perpetual power.


Baba's method of dealing with people was unique. If any came with the intention of ridiculing him those persons'wickedness would be destroyed and they would become humble and bow down at his lotus feet.


If they were not fortunate enough for that, then at least they would repent, loose all pride undoubtedly and would certainly get proof of Baba's powers.


All these were ordinary, simple devotees completely attached to the world. Their minds should be purified by making them offer dakshina, was what Baba willed.


The Shrutis say "sacrifice, charity, dedicated effort." One desirous of self-realisation should offer dakshina, because it is one of the easiest means of acquiring it. This is clearly said in the Vedas.


A devotee may be selfish or may be desirous of spiritual life– both kinds, if they desire that their objectives are fulfilled, should give dakshinato their respective Gurus for their own good.




I bow down to Sree Ganesh

I bow down to Sree Saraswati

I bow down to the Guru

I bow down to the Family Deity

I bow down to Sree Sita-Ramachandra

I bow down to Sree Sadguru Sainath.



Sarveshaam Svaastir Bhavatu

Sarveshaam Shaantir Bhavatu

Sarveshaam Poornam Bhavatu

Sarveshaam Mangalam Bhavatu

Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanteeh




-(from Shri Sai Samartha Satchrita, Chapter  14, Ovi  121 - 136)

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