Monday, November 30, 2015





"Man will be grateful when he will realise my empire and that I am the whole and sole controller or holder of the reins." – Shri Sai Samartha Satcharita, Ch. 8, Ovi 62.



When the Kurukshetra war was over, pride entered the heart of Arjuna. He even thought that he was so great that Krishna had become his charioteer.


Arjuna felt that as a master, he must get down from the chariot only after the charioteer had done so. He insisted that Krishna must get down first. Krishna was adamant.


Finally, Arjuna had to yield. Swallowing his pride, he got out of the chariot with great reluctance.


Now it was Krishna's turn. As soon as He stepped down, the chariot went up in flames.


Arjuna was humbled as he realized that the deadly arrows and missiles that had struck the chariot were powerless so long as Krishna was in it. As soon as He left it, they had their natural effect and the chariot was reduced to ashes.


In everything that the Lord permits to happen, is a meaning of His mercy. We must not question; we must not argue. We must only obey, accept and rejoice!


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