Monday, November 30, 2015

Experiences of Sai Maharaj - Experiences recorded by late Hon. Hari Sitaram Dixit – Part 3

Experiences of Sai Maharaj

Experiences recorded by late Hon. Hari Sitaram Dixit – Part 3




Sai Maharaj took Samadhi on Tuesday, the 15th of October 1918, in the late afternoon. That night, Laxman Bhat dreamt of Baba Who said, 'Bapusaheb Jog will not come to perform the Kakad Aarati as he thinks I am dead. But, I am alive. You should come and perform the Kakad Aarati.' As per Baba's orders Laxman Bhat went early in the morning to the Masjid where the body was kept and performed the Kakad Aarati. Many people thought, they saw Baba's hand moving whilst the

Aarati was being performed.


The Madhyanha Aarati was again performed at the Masjid. On the following day (16th), the body was brought to Butti's Wada and the Shejarati was performed there at night. Since then Kakad Aarati, Madhyanha Aarati, Dhooparati and Shejarati are regularly performed in the Wada (which is now the Samadhi Mandir) and the ritual continues till today.




2-3 days after Baba took Samadhi, He came in the dream of the sister-in-law of Moreshwarrao Pradhan of Santacruz and said, ''You have a yellow Pitamber in your trunk. Send it to be placed on my Samadhi."


The lady had kept this Pitamber aside many years ago and had forgotten all about it.


She told Moreshwarrao about her dream and immediately gave him the yellow Pitamber to be sent to Shirdi. It is in Shirdi now and is sometimes put on the Samadhi.


(14) 'TODAY IS THE 30TH DAY!'...


One day, at dawn, Baba went to Kaka Mahajani in his dream and said, 'Why are you sleeping? Get up! Today is the 30th day of my passing. Observe it!'


When Kaka Mahajani woke up, he thought the 30th day must have already passed; but when he counted the days, he realised that it was indeed the 30th day.


He called a Brahmin and performed an Abhishek to Sai's Padukas, called some people for lunch and observed the first month of Baba's Samadhi. After that he observed the day of Baba's Samadhi every month.




The day Baba left His mortal body, my nephew Madhav, who lived in Villeparle, Mumbai, dreamt that a great Yogi took Samadhi in Nasik. Similarly in the house of a North Indian astrologer, named Hanuman Prasad in Mumbai, Baba's portrait suddenly began to shake. In the same way Baba informed all His great devotees about His taking Samadhi in some way or other.




Just before leaving His body Baba uttered the words 'Take me to the Wada!'


After He left His mortal coil, people started discussing as to where the body should be kept. Taking His last words as a hint, some people said, the Samadhi should be built in Butti's Wada. Others said that, instead of building it in an open place. After fighting for a day, it was ultimately decided to be kept in Butti's Wada and so it happened.


Initially this Wada or mansion was built by Bapusaheb Butti as a private residence. After a part of it was built in 1916, Baba felt ill and Nanasaheb Chandorkar was inspired that, it should not be just be a private mansion, but there should be a temple in it. When Baba was consulted about it, He gave consent for a temple to be built. So, it was decided that, the central part would be a temple and the rest residential. Craftsmen from Nagpur were called to build the temple. But, due to some reason they had to return and the temple remained unfinished till Baba's passing away and the Samadhi could be built in that area. Of course, it is now Baba's temple and His words 'This is our place and we shall all live here' which He said time and again had come true.


(- to be contd)



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