Thursday, November 12, 2015

​Baba’s Moral Teachings

Baba's Moral Teachings


Baba: Love all creatures; Do not fight with any; nor retaliate, nor scandalise any. When anyone talks of you (i.e., against you) pass on, unperturbed. his words cannot pierce into your body. Other's act will affect them alone – and not you. It is only your own acts that will affect you.


Baba: Do not be idle. Work, utter Gods name, read scriptures.


Baba to chandra bai Borker: We should not harbour hatred, envy, rivalry or combative disposition towards others. If others hate us, let us simply take to Nama Japa and avoid them.


Baba to Bapu Rao N. Chandorker; Hearken to the words of your parents. Help your mother in her task. Speak the truth alone. No one cares to take from me what I give abundantly. But they want from me what I am unable to give, Mother is God.


Baba to N.G. Chandorkar. "Look at this Haridas who leaves you and goes away. Have friends that will stick to you till the end, through thick and thin.


Baba to H.S.Dixit. (who proposed that Baba and he should start for Bombay and take a devotee with them to leave him in the middle at a wayside station): I will never leave (i.e. desert) any one in the middle.



(Baba's Charters and Sayings, No. 268-271)


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