Monday, February 23, 2009

Let there be no attraction

Let there be no attraction

Baba said, "Let all the senses and mind be ever devoted to the worship of the Lord, let there be no attraction for any other thing" in Sri Sai Satcharitra Chapter VI.

Do not pride yourself on your spiritual practices. Devote yourself heart and soul to meditation and repetition of His Name as a behest from His sake, but do not allow any sense of your being a spiritual Sadhaka to enter your mind.

Have firm faith in God. The more you acquire this faith, the nearer you will come to God.

Faith in God is the only strength of true devotee. Surrendering themselves completely to God, they spend their life only in His remembrance.

The more your faith grows the more vivid will be your vision of Divine Grace.

Remember; there is no one so benevolent, kind and loving as God and no one can stand comparison with him in Beauty and Glory. He is your constant companion. He is always ready with outstretched arms to press you to His bosom.

All that you see in this world belongs to Him; not only that, it is He who has assumed all these forms. Whatever is happening before you, is nothing but his pastime. He is sporting with Himself.

This mystery will remain a sealed book to you so long as you do not surrender yourself completely to Him. Giving up all pride and self-esteem take shelter under Him, have unshakable faith in His grace and, renouncing all fear and anxiety, offer everything at the altar of His feet.

Keep your mind engaged in His thought. Gladly accept whatever He may be pleased to ordain for you; carry out willingly all His behest and placing your absolute reliance upon Him give up the very tendency to ask for boons and gifts.

To ask from Him is to be a loser. For, our own intellect can never consider our interest as deeply as He, who is our greatest friend and well-wisher.

Courtesy: Sri Hanumanprasad Poddar in Wavelets of Bliss.

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