Sunday, February 22, 2009



Das Ganu has been helped in numerous other ways, but it is sufficient here to note that Baba gave him the assurance that he would provide for his temporal welfare (Yogakshema) so that he might bravely and calmly start his spiritual career. And Baba kept his word. Baba always keeps his word. Baba thus provided completely for the temporal welfare of a man without any employment and any property. When he thought there was nothing for him to depend upon, Baba provided everything, and Das Ganu had always been very well off temporally. He has got properties though he has transferred them to his adopted son.

As for the spiritual uplift, it is impossible to conceive of any greater benefit than wrenching one away from the two great ropes that were dragging Ganpat Rao downward namely, the lewd village dramas which Ganpat Rao was playing in and the soul destroying police work, the wickedness of which would be heightened by the ambition to rise to Sub Inspectorship in double quick time. The way in which Baba responded to prayers and saved him, time and again, from dismissal or punishment would quite suffice to impress the mind of Ganpat Rao with the fact that Baba is omnipotent, is everywhere watching and attending to his prayers, and is ever looking after him. Baba watched him at every place to which he went and took the appropriate measure that was urgently needed for his welfare. What else can be God except that which watches us everywhere and further takes adequate steps to see that harm does not befall us but real benefit is conferred on us? What is God except that which hears and grants prayer?

Baba naturally did his very best for this Das Ganu but, unfortunately, (as we see in the cases of most devotees contacting Baba) there are obstacles due perhaps to Poorva Karma which prevent one responding in the correct way to such high influences as Baba’s. Even after so much of proof of Baba’s omnipotence, omnipresence, omniscience, and miraculous help for Ganu’s benefit. Ganu did not fully derive the idea that Baba was God. So many others for whom Baba did even less were full of the faith that Baba was God. No doubt Ganu sang of Baba that he was God in fine terms set to music. But Ganu’s conviction was superficial and not deep.

Das Ganu’s faith being very poor and very weak in Baba’s Divinity, Baba desired to impress on Ganu, His (Baba’s) Godhead and to make him and his other disciples realise him (Baba) properly. For that purpose, he exhibited chamatkars, one of which is as follows. On a certain occasion, Das Ganu wanted to go for a bath to the Godavari river, which in ordinary parlance is termed ‘Ganga’ (the Ganges, the most sacred river). That river is four or five miles away from Shirdi, and when Ganu asked for permission to go to ‘Ganga’, Baba answered, "Why go there? Is not Ganga here? Ganu felt very much dissatisfied. Ganu was the author of the Arati song which runs as follows and which was even being sung at Baba’s puja.

Shirdi Maje Pandaripura
Sai Baba Ramavara

This means, ‘My Pandharpur or place of pilgrimage is Shirdi and the God that sanctifies that place (Vittal) is Sai Baba; that is, Sai is Mahavishnu from whose feet Ganges is perennially flowing. This song is sung by many and at least a few really think in their hearts that Sai Baba is really Maha Vishnu: For, what is Maha Vishnu? Maha Vishnu is the protecting form of God. God has three functions, namely creation, protection and final withdrawal, which also is a form of protection. The protecting aspect of God is called Maha Vishnu. So Sai Baba, the person who has protected Das Ganu and innumerable others, and who is doing it even today on a vast scale from one end of the country to the other, is certainly exercising the functions of Maha Vishnu All Divinity in one. Call it or Him by any name and carry on your worship according to any religion and adopt any set of doctrines or metaphysical or philosophical basis for your ideas and actions, the end reached is the same, the one pure and perfect Bliss. When the goal is reached by the most advanced souls of any country or sect, the experience is the same. But before the end is reached, the modes adopted and the explanations given by sets differ so greatly sometimes as to cause religious differences of a bitter sort – and quarrels, battles or wars are waged on account of religious or sectarian zeal.

The common run of men look to externals alone and the inner kernel of all religion is beyond their grasp. Sri Das Ganu on account of his poorva karma of former births and even the karma of his present earlier life could not rise to this view. Baba had to refine his nature and wash away the effects of birth and past habits.

Courtesy: HH Pujyasri B. V. Narasimha Swamiji

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