Monday, September 12, 2016

The Last Days - By Sri Narasimha Swamiji - part 1

The Last Days - By Sri Narasimha Swamiji - part 1

What Baba said in the early days of His arrival at Shirdi came literally true. Long before 1908, when Shirdi was still a quiet village, Baba said: "Mansions will rise up in this village. Bigwigs will come. Chariots, horses, elephants, all will come. Grand processions will be held." People then laughed at His naive imagination.


In 1914 Sai Baba made a very casual remark to one of His devotees. He pointed out a piece of waste land to Mrs. Bapusaheb Jog. "It is my site; a big mansion will rise up here and we shall live there. Big people would look after Me." Mrs. Jog took it as one of many inscrutable things He said.


Apparently unconnected with this remark, something equally inscrutable but more shocking happened in 1916. It was the festival of Vijayadashmi. Devotees flocked to Shirdi, to attend the ceremonial Seemollanghan.


Sai Baba suddenly flew into a wild rage. It was one of Baba's characteristic ways to flare up on such auspicious occasions. But what He did on this occasion far exceeded anything He did on any other. He took off His head-dress, Kafni, and His langota (underwear) publicly, tore them up and flung them in the sacred fire in the mosque and cursed in the heat of His rage. Bhagoji tried to pacify Him and said "Baba, what is all this about? Today is the holy day of Seemollanghan. Why are you angry and why do you frighten people thus?" Baba said, "This day is My Seemollanghan."


Bapu Saheb Booty was a famous millionaire of Nagpur. He was drawn to Baba and wished to have a building at Shirdi. One day, he had a dream in which Baba appeared and ordered him to build a wada of His own with a temple in and Shama was also sleeping there. Booty woke up and found Shama shedding tears. Shama said: Baba appeared in my dream and ordered, 'Build the wada with the temple. I shall fulfill the wishes of all.


Bapu Saheb was surprised at their dreams. Being rich enough, he immediately decided to build a wada and with the co­operation of Shama and Dixit, drew up a plan. Then he placed it before Baba who blessed it immediately. Work commenced soon and under the supervision of Shama, the ground floor, the cellar and the well were completed. Off and on Baba visited the site and suggested certain improvements. It occurred to Booty that there should be an open platform in the centre, of which the Idol of Muralidhar could be installed. Booty put his idea before Baba through Shama for His consent. Baba readily gave His consent, but added, "After the temple is complete I will come and stay there." Staring at the wada, He added: "After the wada is complete, we shall use it for ourselves; we shall live, move and play there, and be happy."


The year 1918 commenced as any other and a few months passed. 

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