Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Shirdi Sai Spiritual Group Healing Prayers – TODAY’s Submission – Group Prayers Scheduled for 22nd September 2016, 09:00 hrs, Thursday

Shirdi Sai Spiritual Group Healing Prayers – TODAY's Submission – Group Prayers Scheduled for 22nd September 2016, 09:00 hrs, Thursday

Dear Sai Brothers and Sisters,

A small note on Shirdi Sai Spiritual Group Prayers:– When our prayers from all parts of the world focusing on a specific day & specific time (ALL THURSDAYS at 09:00 hrs IST) with a single object and total concentration on praying for others, with our noble intention of getting help from Shri Sai Baba for those known and unknown to us, praying selflessly for the benefit of all global Sai families, certainly this divine vibrations from all participating devotees all over the world energize and elevate  our subconscious mind with powerful spiritual vibrations, that our group prayers shall have the capability to release divine guidance, divine protection, averts disaster, very powerful divine impact and more importantly all participants witness powerful answers to our prayers.

Let us sincerely pray for all devotees and request Shirdi Sai Baba to accomplish all their desires as soon as possible.

Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai.

My Mother -Urgent Attention

From: makhan-singh landa Sent: 19 September 2016 16:47 To: info@burrowslea.org.uk Subject: My Mother -Urgent Attention Dear Sir/Madam , My mother ( sumitra wanti ) has just today had her blood pressure taken , and i can confirm that the reading is : 167/78 . Evan , my mother's doctor said that this is " very […]

Posted in Prayer for health, happiness and peace | September 19, 2016 at 9:53 pm

Have Mercy Baba

Pain is unbearable and inexpressible , You know Baba. How I write and how tears roll down ,You know all, will you not have mercy on your poor child who has no one except her ailing mother, Baba ! My father and brother left us for their heavenly abodes. No one to look after me […]

Posted in prayers | September 19, 2016 at 6:27 pm

Sai g give me confidence

Sai baba g please give me confidence. Sai g u know that only because of lack of confidence I lost so many things in my life. Sai g please please fill my mind with positive thinking.

Posted in Prayer for health, happiness and peace | September 19, 2016 at 10:50 am

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