Saturday, September 10, 2016

Blessed Devotee who Experienced Baba’s Miracle before 1918 - Baba gave that extra money

Blessed Devotee who Experienced Baba's Miracle before 1918

Baba gave that extra money



Kaka Dixit wished to purchase some land from Laxman Bhat in Shirdi in 1910. Bhat demanded Rs.200/-, but Dixit was unwilling to pay that amount. He thought that Rs.150/- was a fair bargain. So he set about convincing Bhat. But, Bhat was adamant and Dixit was unwilling to compromise. A long discussion took place between them. That afternoon, Bhat was passing by the Dwarkamai. Baba called him and enquired about the discussion. "What discussion was going on between you and Dixit?" He asked. Bhat told Baba everything. Baba settled the matter by saying, "You may sell the land for Rs.175/-." 


Bhat went to Dixit to collect the money.   Dixit   as   per   his   word   gave   Rs.150/- unknowingly, as he wasn't aware of the agreement between Baba and Bhat. Bhat also did not tell Dixit. He just took the money and went home.


At home, he counted once, then again and again, to his surprise it was Rs.175/-, the amount that was settled by Baba.


Be it an extra photograph or extra money, Baba sees that His devotees are satisfied.



Leela- 62 in Ambrosia in Shirdi - Part-I

(Baba's Leelas before 1918)

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