Tuesday, July 5, 2016




Almighty God, the doer of everything, the giver of good things and the inspirer of all noble ideas and ideals, without whose grace all our endeavors are useless, all our attempts fruitless, bless our deeds so that we may find enough zeal to serve the needy, help the poor, lift the downtrodden, feed the hungry and console the grief-stricken and also to earn our daily bread by the sweat of our brow.


Teach me to be completely unselfish so that I may live and work together with my fellow-men at peace. Forsaking all, let me place my whole being in Thy hands and commit my cause to Thee for divine disposal in due season for my good. Guide me in the minutest details and give me the strength for testing times. Enable me to empty my heart of all useless cares, to resist all temptations, to restrain all longings and to relinquish lust so that I may find real rest within the closet of my heart. Let not the world be too much with me lest I should be drawn away with sundry desire and moved with every wind of words. Help me to keep silence in an evil time to say that Thy Will will be done. Let my intentions be pure so that I may never find myself in the valley of despair, but pass safely through any storm. Knowing that God's grace always seeks a humble heart, I bow before Thee in the quiet of this hour and lie low in Thy power so that I may learn that Truth alone makes rich and great.


       - By Sri Radhakrishna Swamiji

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