Friday, July 29, 2016

Baba Prayers - Group Prayer Effect - Devotee Experience - Miracles - : Subject "Feeling Blessed"

Date: Fri, Jul 29, 2016 at 12:20 AM

From: P.G.Vinotha 
Subject: Feeling Blessed

Message Body:

Om Sai Ram!!
               I would like to share my experience with you all..27th july, I have sent my prayers to baba in this blog. Really  I was worrying a lot on 27th. Because 6 placement drive has gone, but i faced only failures..yesterday we had a company visiting our campus for hiring!! i whole heartedly prayed baba and I went for the first round and by baba's blessings I got selected in the first round,the competition was really very high..I was telling about the worries that i had yon 27th  right!! on that day  by 9.00PM i was sitting in my room(I am in hostel) suddenly my  junior visited my room ,she never visited my room previously, but then she was talking to me for one hour, mean while she went to her room and brought a baba statue to my room and showing it to me, while she was returning to her room finally, she told me that , "baba's blessings is always there for you!! dont worry,,"" I was shocked, and I assure that baba sent the girl to me as I was sad!! his Blessings towards us is really unmeasureable...

     An another miracle is, yesterday  by 11.00PM only  we got our results, by the time i thought of seeing baba's online aarti prayer and opened chrome and started typing and pressed enter, to my surprise ---> my laptop didnt connected  to net, but then baba's video got loaded. other sites are not accessible due to no internet connection..No doubt in this...  obviously its our Sai Baba. Today(29th) I am having my HR rounds.I am praying Baba to be with me, without him  nothing would be possible.. Hoping for the best result by Sai baba's blessings.. I am relly lucky to be his devotee...Feeling blessed.

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