Friday, July 8, 2016

Guru Needed

Guru Needed



A devotee: Baba, where is one to go?

Baba: Above this.

Devotee: What is the way?

Baba: There are plenty of ways proceeding from each place. For you, here is this way, leading hence. But the way is rugged. There are tigers and bears on the route.

H.S.Dixit: But Baba, if one has a guide with him, then?

Baba.: If one has a guide with him, then there is no difficulty. Then, the tigers and bears move aside. If there is no guide, there is a deep yawning pit on the way,and there is the danger of falling into it.


(Here "Guide" - "Guru," and 'Pit1- "Hell")


(Baba's Charters and Sayings # 176)

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