Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Importance of Coconut in Sai Prayers

This is a true experience of a Sai Devotee Dinesh Nandan Tiwari of Jabalpur in Madhya Pradesh State. The incident is of during those days when he was troubled. There was a strong desire to go to Shirdi in his mind. He saved some amount about two three times and each time the amount was spent somewhere else. This prevented him from going to Shirdi rather say he was not called to Shirdi. Due to this he became more depressed. Once he went to Sai Temple nearby his house in Shri Sai Narayan Darbar Gate No.5. After arti, immediately poojari asked him the reason for his unhappiness. He opened his heart in front of the poojari, who listened him patiently and gave him a practical solution. He said, "Oh ! There is no use of roaming like a bridegroom, if you really wish to go to Shirdi, pray to Sai Baba mentally by keeping a coconut in front of you and send that particular coconut through any one acquainted to Shirdi. You will definitely get that blessed call! This is the simplest and proved way to go for Baba's darshan."

Needless to say that prescribed remedy was followed and Dineshji went to Shirdi within fifteen days of sending coconut to Shirdi.

Another great incident which clearly proves the significance of coconut and cannot be omitted. The incident is a recent one. Just five years back, the same devotee was serving in Madhya Pradesh Electricity Board. Sai Devotee Shri. P.J.Sonalkar was also serving with him. He had a small family which consisted of the devotee himself, his wife, two sons and a daughter Sadhana. It is obvious for parents to be worried about their daughter's marriage when she attains marriageable age. They were in search of a suitable alliance for her and tried for about 2-3 years, but did not succeed. One day they narrated their problem to Dineshji and pleaded Dineshji to pray on their behalf to Baba. Dineshji lays the entire credit on Baba for what he said to worried parents, "Send a coconut touched by your daughter to Dwarkamai of Shirdi through anyone who is going to Shirdi in one or two days. Whatever is your problem say it to coconut and ask Baba to take care of your problems now. If blessings of Baba are with you, your daughter will be married soon. Leave everything to Baba".

Believing Dineshji's words and having full faith in Baba, Shri P.G.Sonalkar and his wife again started efforts for their daughter's marriage. Within 40 days, their one and only one daughter became Mrs. Sadhana Narsikar from Ms. Sadhana Sonalkar.

Hence now I leave it upto readers discretion to take print outs or coconut to Shirdi for offering prayers of others or both. This can be done easily. Prayers can be spoken to coconut before leaving for Shirdi and it can be placed in Dwarkamai.

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