Thursday, May 5, 2016

Baba's Anger

Baba's Anger



Baba: I get angry with none. Will a mother harm her little ones? Will the ocean send back the water of the streams? I love devotion. I am the bondslave of my devotee, s.c.15.



Baba: Nana, I am not angry with you. You, my children, have a right to be angry with me. If Venkusa were here, I could be angry with him.



Baba to Mrs. Pradhan (who feared that Baba would get angry:) See, I did not get angry with anyone to-day.



Baba, when in a towering rage : Let blessings be to all



Baba to Das Ganu (who complained that he had not been invited into a feast where Sira (Semolina pudding) was distributed, on account of the host being his enemy): "Who gives what to whom? What is this Sira? Who eats it? Do not say anyone that he is your enemy. Who is whose enemy? Do not entertain any ill-feelings towards any one. All are one and the same.

(Baba's Charters and Sayings # 215 -218)

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