Thursday, May 12, 2016

Guru Dakshina Finds its way to Baba

Blessed Devotee who Experienced Baba's Miracle before 1918

Guru Dakshina Finds its way to Baba



It was June, 1914 Sai Sharan Anand was in Shirdi. Before returning to Bombay, he kept some coins in an old compass box for Baba. He was staying in Radhakrishna Mai's house and he kept the box below the cupboard and left. Soon as he reached Bombay, he learnt that Baba sent word to Radhakrishna Mai to search under the cupboard for the box and send the 'dakshina'.



She made a thorough search and found the box and sent the money to Baba at once. This pleased Sharan Anand greatly.



Dakshina literally means 'sacrificial fees'. In this case, Baba asked Radhakrishna Mai to search for the dakshina and bring it to Him. Thus, He accepted the fees and gave credence to the Shruti 'Yagnen Danen Tapasya', i.e., those who are anxious for self-knowledge will find its secret in giving dakshina as one of the means of attaining it.



Baba gave Swami Sharan Anand 'sanyas' in 1952 and 'Sadgati' in 1982.


Leela- 37 in Ambrosia in Shirdi - Part-I

(Baba's Leelas before 1918)




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