Thursday, April 21, 2016


Guruvaar Prarthna




Our Beloved Sadguru Sainath, please accept our humble prayers on this Holy Day of Guruvaar. Baba, now summer vacation to our children started, they forgot all the past and enjoying the present, not bothered about the results of the examination they just had undertaken, only parents are worrying about outcome of their children's test. Similarly we are undergoing various social tests and examination in our day-to-day life, we don't think of any outcome of these tests, because You are our Father and it is Your responsibility to worry about the outcome Your children's tests. On this holy day we start our prayers by reading your divine guidance in Shri Sai Samartha Satcharitra.




Let us do obeisance to the King of Kings, the Lord Paramount, who Graces the Throne of Peace, the Sovereign of the Kingdom of Self-Contentment, His Majesty the Guru, the only Resort.


Pure devotion and the natural state of mind, serve you with whisks on both sides, and self – realisation and experience of truth fan you on both sides, respectfully.


The Knowledge of the Self is holding the Royal Umbrella over your head; Peace and Consciousness are the holders of the Sceptre. The six foes, such as illusion and greed etc., cannot survive there even for a moment.


Oh, how glittering is the assembly. There are four Vedas, six Shastras and eighteen Puranas as court poets. The awning of Pure Consciousness shines brillantly like a moon and the happiness born of self – contentment is spread everywhere.


Dispassion, Devotion, Pure Knowledge, Listening, Concentration, Meditation, Self-realisation and Experience – are the eight ministers who are in your service.


Peace and Restraint are the precious stones which shine brightly in this divine necklace round your neck. Your speech is sweet, like the ripples of the nectar on the surface of the ocean, in the form of vedic knowledge.



You are holding the Sword of Knowledge in your hand, ready to strike, the blade of which is polished and sharp, at the sight of which the tree in the form of the material world is trembling.



Hail to you, O Unblemished and Imperishable One, who transcends all attributes, King of Yogis – you have taken the bodily form to oblige others – and for the uplift of the humble.



I bow down to Sree Ganesh

I bow down to Sree Saraswati

I bow down to the Guru

I bow down to the Family Deity

I bow down to Sree Sita-Ramachandra

I bow down to Sree Sadguru Sainath.



Sarveshaam Svaastir Bhavatu

Sarveshaam Shaantir Bhavatu

Sarveshaam Poornam Bhavatu

Sarveshaam Mangalam Bhavatu

Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanteeh




-(from Shri Sai Samartha Satchrita, Chapter  16, Ovi  1 - 8)

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