Saturday, April 30, 2016

Extracts from Shri. H. S. Dixit's Diary - 3

Extracts from Shri. H. S. Dixit's Diary - 3



Krishnaji Narayan alias Chotu Bhayya Saheb Parulekar, an honorary Magistrate of Harda wrote to H. S. Dixit on 11-2-1924 thus.


"By Baba's grace, I was cured of a disease in the following manner. I was suffering from amlapitta (bilious acidity). If I took my afternoon meal, immediately it was vomited out. The same occurred at my night meal. To cure this, many doctors and Vaidyas gave me medicines, which I took without getting any relief. Some days later my father's friend Sadashiv Ramachandra Patwardhan sent an excellent Vaidya from Nagpur and recommended me to use his medicines. The Vaidya was a very old man. He came to Harda and prepared medicine. He prepared three packets and asked me to take one in the morning and one in the afternoon. So I took two packets. From 3 p.m., my bowels began to move. By 8 p.m. I had so many motions that I was not able to get up from my bed. Thereupon the Vaidya and the people of my house got terrified. Then the Vaidya got into our Puja room, prayed to God and then gave medicine for stopping the motions. At 11 p.m. the motions stopped. Later he told my father, "Hereafter do not give him any medicine for this Amlapitta. It will stop only by the grace of a Satpurusha". I stopped all medicine.


Five or six years later I went to Shirdi to see Shri Baba. Neither I nor my companions told Baba about my disease. Next year, for Guru Poornima, I again went to Shirdi. After the celebration was over, the next day at 4 or 4.30 p.m. my brother Narayanrao and I with two or three companions went to the Masjidand sat at Baba's feet. Meanwhile a lady called 'Mausi Bai' came there and Baba asked, 'Mausi, why are you so late?" She told Baba that, 'okala' (Nausea or Retching, Tamil okkalam) was the reason for the delay. Thereupon Baba laughed and said, "You are eating too much and therefore you have this okala". Then Mausi requested him to protect her from that nausea. Baba kept quiet for a few minutes. Then he pointed his finger to me (Chotu Bhayya) and said, "This brother for a very long time had the same (okari) trouble". Then Narayan, brother of Chotu Bhayya prayed to Baba thus, "This man had okari and all treatment failed". Baba then said, "Hereafter all medicines should be stopped. This nausea will not recur." From that day, i.e., all these eight or nine years, the amlapitta has disappeared. For ten or twelve years, in spite of many medicines that disease was not cured; but by Baba's utterance, it completely disappeared. How wonderful are these Samarth's Lilas?

One day Baba asked Vaze, "What work are you doing? Then Vaze said,"Ifthere is any workin the Masjid to do, I shall do it". Baba replied. "If there is any work in the wada to be done, do it". Next day, Pandit, the man who was, doing much work in the wada, fell ill.


Thereupon in accordance with Baba's order, Vaze undertook all the work that Pandit did and continued to serve at the wada till Pandit's recovery.

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