Friday, April 29, 2016

Extracts from Shri. H. S. Dixit's Diary – 2 - Safe Delivery Assured

Extracts from Shri. H. S. Dixit's Diary – 2

Safe Delivery Assured






The daughter of one of my friends became insane during her pregnancy. She was blabbering throughout the day and night. She threw away things through a window.


When nine months were completed, all became anxious about her as the Doctor said that the labor would be difficult. The Doctor had appointed a skilled nurse or midwife. Baba had blessed her and his blessings came to her rescue.


One morning, the pains began. A man went out to fetch the doctor and another to fetch her elder sister. The latter came at once and sat near the pregnant girl. As soon as she sat the baby came and fell in the hands of the sister. There was no trouble.


Half an hour after the delivery, the doctor came; but news of the safe delivery was already dispatched to the doctor before he arrived.

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