Saturday, February 13, 2016

Sai Experiences of Chhotibai - Shirdi Sai Baba's Words are Never Untrue

Sai Experiences of Chhotibai - Shirdi Sai Baba's Words are Never Untrue


The greatest cause of a man's problems and unhappiness is his own state of mind. Whatever a person possesses, is not liked by him. He likes the things which are not his. Thus a person's state of mind which is fully flooded with hopes and desires, makes him dissatisfied and he is always longing for 'more'.


No one is perfect. Weakness or shortcomings are common in every human. Only the intensity changes. On the other hand, whatever is destined to happen will happen and every person has to accept it. Thus it is advised to people who are heavily loaded with miseries and desires, to stabilize their mind, have firm faith in Sai Baba and lead a peaceful life. Firm faith in Baba in a way means a carefree life without any worries and afflictions.


It was in December 1911, Lord Dattatreya's birthday was celebrated enthusiastically in Shirdi. The following day, (ie) 8th December 1911, the weather in Shirdi was very cold. The morning darbar of Sai Baba had the presence of some renowned and well known devotees like Madhavrao Despande, Bhism Thosar from Bombay (presently called Mumbai), Advocate Ganesh Krishna Khaparde, Dasganu Maharaj, Kakasaheb Dixit, Rao Bahadur Moreshwar Pradhan and his wife Chhotubai from Mumbai. That day every face present in Baba's darbar reflected grief as Baba's favorite child Babu had died that day. Even the grief and sorrow of Babu's death had made Baba sit quietly. There was a post on this blog and few lines have been written about Baba and Babu's relationship .The name Babu was lovingly given by Baba to Dada Kelkar's nephew and Baba loved and cared for him immensely.


Sometime later Baba saw Chhotubai Pradhan and broke His silence, "This Babu will take birth somewhere else. I have to pay off the debt of Chhotubai. I will free this Babu from Dharmraja (Yamraj) and place him in Chhotubai's womb. Babu will be Chhotubai's son for ten years. I will call him back after the birth of his brothers and sisters". Thus Baba called him back, he lived for ten years as Chhotubai's son and after his pre-decided task was completed, he passed away as per Baba's words.


Baba used to say, "My treasury is full, it's overflowing and open to all. Loot away whatever you want and fill your cart load, but mind well to take my treasury, do you have such power?" A staunch disciple of virtuous Guru can only take this step. A person whose fortune has risen, whose fruits of bad deeds have perished can only take away Baba's treasury. Only devotes like Balaram Mankar and Upasani Maharaj sometimes are successful in achieving this unachievable target.


Babu again took birth through Chhotubai's womb. After that two sons and one daughter were born to her.


We generally find that no one is happy and content with all virtues. Some are overcrowded with physical problems, some with mental problems, and some with financial problems and there is no end to it. Chhotubai was no exception to it. One of the sons of Chhotubai used to get fits anywhere and at anytime. He fell unconscious and his legs used to get stiff during fits.


One night when all the members of Pradhan family were fast asleep, Baba came near Chhotubai's bed and said, "You are sleeping! Your son Madhukar will get fits". Hearing the voice of Baba in this way Chhotubai was overflowed with love for Baba. All sorts of mixed feelings - happiness and sorrow - gathered her. She started speaking in sleep itself, "Sai save us, protect us. This child is yours. I am only his guardian. So you will have to protect this child. Like this talking to Baba in sleep, Chhotubai was awakened, she stood up from her bed and went near Madhukar's bed who was fast asleep. There were no symptoms of fit. Also he was not coughing. Chhotubai was sure that Baba's words would never be untrue. So she took out all medicines from cupboard which were needed at the time of fit and arranged them on the table. She also kept water for boiling. After arranging for all necessary things, Chhotubai sat near Madhukar's bed. It was her firm belief that Baba would never speak facts which are not true and the voice she heard before few minutes was of none other than Sai Baba.


It was 2 o'clock at night. Madhukar raised his hands in sleep and started loosing consciousness. This was noticed by Chhotubai and she woke up other members of her family. As Chhotubai had arranged everything in advance with grace of Sai Baba, she asked all to be calm and not to worry. After half an hour the boy regained consciousness and then after he permanently got rid of this physical ailment.


© Shirdi Sai Baba Life Teachings and Stories


Once all kids of Chhotubai i.e. two sons - Madhukar and Ashok and daughter – Parvati were attacked by a deadly disease (since the disease name is in rustic Guajarati language, I could not find out exact English word). Out of them Madhukar and Parvati got relieved, but Ashok's condition was most serious. Doctors had given up hope of Ashok's survival. Chhotubai sat near Ashok's bed doing Naam Jaap of Sai Baba. In this way four days and four nights passed in continuous Naam Jaap with only one aim of her son's survival in mind. At last Chhotubai's strength of doing continuous Naam Jaap broke and while doing Naam Jaap she fell asleep for few minutes.


Sai Baba appeared in her dream and said, "Why are doing so? How can your strength decline? Malik is there to look after us. You don't worry; thick black clouds will soon vanish. Your son will wake up at 6:30 in morning. He will ask for food. You don't keep any fear in your mind. You give him whatever he asks to eat".


Time passed and as per Baba's words in dream, at 6:30 am, Chhotubai's son woke up and asked for food. She gave him food with full faith in Baba. After few days, Ashok was hale and hearty as before.


In another instance, Chhotubai's son Madhukar was suffered from typhoid. The boy's mother had faith in Baba and was very sure that Baba would take due care. So there was nothing to worry. But Chhotubai's sister's faith trembled and she took a vow that as soon as the boy recovered she would take him to Shirdi for Darshan of Sai Baba. Madhukar recovered after 14 days. His aunty had decided to take him to Shirdi within five days of his recovery. But Madhukar had become very weak due to ailment. It was difficult for him to sit straight on the floor. But his mother and aunty were anxious to pay off the debt of Sai Baba.


Doctors had advised against any physical strain to Madhukar. Both sisters did not pay attention to the doctor's advice and started for Shirdi. After leaving Dadar, Madhukar's health started deteriorating. Madhukar had fever again. Now Chhotubai and her sister were in a dilemma. They thought if anything worse happens then people would blame them.


Both started remembering Sai Baba's name and continued throughout their journey. Madhukar was in a semi unconscious state. When they reached Kopergaon station, a horse-cart driver peeped inside the window and asked them if they wanted to hire a tonga. No sooner did the boy hear the voice of the horse-cart driver, he regained his senses and sat up without anyone's support and said, "Have we reached Baba's Home? Now let me sit".


Chhotubai touched Madhukar's body and realized that the fever had vanished. She asked Madhukar to lie down and rest. But he did not listen to his mother's plead and requested to allow him to sit. Chhotubai took Madhukar in her lap and after sometime they reached Shirdi. They went directly to Dwarkamai. Baba took Madhukar in His Hands and asked him to stand by raising both his hands. With Baba's grace and Holy touch Madhukar was able to stand erectly without anyone's support. Baba said to Chhotubai, "People will not blame you now". Baba gave a banana to Madhukar to eat and then a mango. In this way Madhukar's disease was uprooted by the partaking of these two fruits. Gods of heaven also started praising Madhukar's fortune that he was given banana and mango consecrated by Baba's touch. Such is the love of Baba for His devotees and He is always ready to run to His devotees to help them, whether called or not!!!


Source: Translated Articles from Sai Sarovar.


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