Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Experiences of a Devotee who lived with Baba - Power of Shirdi Sai Baba's words

Experiences of a Devotee who lived with Baba - Power of Shirdi Sai Baba's words



The one who is aware of Sai Baba's nature will never be at ease without His Bhakti. Often the name of Sai is in their hearts and mouth. In this way they gain power to face any difficulty. As indicated in the title, this post is regarding Sai Baba's power of words and Udi (also called Udhi).


Udi is the result of continuous Burning of Dhuni of Sai Baba in Dwarkamai Masjid. Whenever devotees went to Sai Baba and bowed to His Holy Feet, Baba offered them Udi as His Prasad. Lord Sai Baba acted as doctor during His earlier stay in Shirdi village. This phenomenon has not stopped even today even after 90 years have passed since the Mahasamadhi of Sai Baba and many incurable diseases are cured by this Udi. Now I come to the main story of this post. I am presenting yet another story indicating the significance of Udi and Sai Babas love for His Bhaktas.


Mr. Borkar was working in the railway department and he was transferred from Pandharpur to a village named Asavali between Nashik and Manmaad. The Borkar family lived in the quarters provided by the railway department to its employees near the railway station


One evening, when Mr. Borkar returned from his work, his body temperature was high and thus he was caught by high fever. His eyes turned red. He had 3-4 blankets on him as he was shivering with cold. Asavali was a small village. As a result no doctor was available for immediate examination. Mrs. Borkar, gave him some home made medicines. Due to the effect of these medicines, Mr. Borkar slept soundly at night but was still suffering from fever. Chandrabai now felt relieved. She was feeling sleepy and so she slept near her husband's legs. In her dream Sai Baba appeared and said, Sister don't worry. Apply Udi, he will be alright, but don't allow your husband to go outside till 11'o clock tomorrow.


Chandrabai applied Udi all over her husband's body. Soon he perspired and his body temperature also went down. He was perfectly alright in the morning. Chandrabai told her husband not to go anywhere that day and even asked him to rest the whole day. But Mr. Borkar did not mind his wife's pleadings and went to railway station after taking his breakfast.


Mr. Borkar went to the railway track which was clearly visible from the drawing room of the house. Chandrabai's eyes and concentration were on Mr. Borkar only. She prayed to Sai Baba to save her husband. While Mr. Borkar was walking on the railway track he met railway personnel. They both started talking and Mr. Borkar did not notice a train coming from the station. The train threw Mr. Borkar on the opposite track. A bone of his leg was fractured. This scene was seen by Chandrabai and she fell senseless saying "O Baba". Some neighbors sprinkled water on her face and she became conscious.


Mr. Borkar was bought on a stretcher. No doctor was available so Chandrabai started giving home made medicines by mixing Udi in the paste of other ayurvedic herbs. She tied a bandage after applying the paste. When Mr. Borkar became conscious, he asked whether there was any Fakir in the house. Chandrabai said He is my Beloved Sai if you can see Him, but He is not visible to me. A doctor from Manmaad came and tied a plaster bandage on the fractured leg of Mr. Borkar after removing the paste which Chandrabai applied the previous night. The bandage tied by doctor caused much pain to

Mr. Borkar. At night it increased two fold. Sai Baba appeared again at night. Chandrabai immediately got up and bowed to the Holy Feet of Sai Baba. He asked, "do you want the leg to be cut? Untie the bandage tied by the doctor and make a mixture of wheat flour, coconut and Udi. Apply this mixture on your husband's leg". She did as directed by Baba.


Due to the power of Sai Baba's words and Udi, Mr. Borkar became alright within few days and the doctors were amazed to see his fast recovery.



Source: Translated from Gujarati Book "Sai Sarovar"

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