Thursday, February 18, 2016

Blessed Devotee who Experienced Baba’s Miracle before 1918 - Sai Saraswati’s Grace to Das Ganu Maharaj

Blessed Devotee who Experienced Baba's Miracle before 1918

Sai Saraswati's Grace to Das Ganu Maharaj



Das Ganu was a gifted man, he could compose Abhangs extempore, sing Kirtans beautifully, write commentaries on Isha Upanishads (Sai Satcharitra Ch.20). It relates the story of how Kaka Dixit's maid servant enlightened him to write the Isha Upanishad's commentary.


Then he decided to write a commentary on Dnyaneshwari Amrit Anubhav. He felt he should write it, explaining the details, so that the common man could read and understand it. Das Ganu told Dada Maharaj of Satara of his intent. The highly knowledgeable Dada Maharaj was skeptical and said, "You must first under­stand the original test, before embarking on such a de­tailed treatise. If you stay with me and learn and un­derstand the book, then you will be able to write the commentary."


But Das Ganu thought differently. "If Baba wants me to write the Tika (commentary) then He will give me Buddhi (wisdom). I will not go to anybody to learn it." Dada Maharaj did not appreciate Das Ganu's idea. Nonetheless, he prayed to Baba on his behalf.


Then Das Ganu began the commentary on the first two chapters and went to Dada Maharaj with the same. Dada asked him about his progress. So Das Ganu read what he had written. Dada complemented him on the commentary and said "Baba is truly a Samarth because of His favour on you such a scholarly Tika has been written".



Leela- 25 in Ambrosia in Shirdi - Part-I

(Baba's Leelas before 1918)



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