Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Baba knows the past, present and the future, His words are never in vain.

Baba knows the past, present and the future, His words are never in vain.


One day a group of people came for the darshan of Sri Sai Baba. The first was the son of Govind Chandorkar, Narayana Chandorkar, who was working at the collector's office at Ahmed Nagar as the Chitnis. He was called Nanasaheb by all. The second was a singer of ballads honouring God called Ramadas of Vayi village. The third was Bapu Nagarkar and the fourth was Kangaokar.


They had all arrived at Shirdi on the day before Hanumajjayanti (the birth day of the monkey God Hanuman, the foremost devotee of Sri Rama). They had all come to Shirdi to have the darshan of the divine Sai and to hear his gospel. Ramadas had to sing the ballad of God on the day of Hanumajjayanti at Ahmed Nagar, situated on the banks of the Seena River. He was hurrying the others of the party to leave immediately after the darshan of Sri Sai Baba. He stated shouting for the cart to take them all to the railway station.


Then Baba told Chandorkar, "You have your food first and only then leave." Nana did not know what to do. He took Kangaokar with him and saw to the food for himself and the others of his party. Ramadas, however, was hurrying them and was insisting on leaving at once for the railway station. Bapu Nagarkar said, "What is your hurry?" Ramadas retorted, "I have to sing the ballad of God tomorrow at Ahmed Nagar. We have spent enough time with this madman.


Chandorkar is well off, he has no worries about his next meal. If we do not leave now, I will be losing a lot of money. What do we gain by following this Sai Baba? I will not get even a paisa here. Let us go to the railway station immediately. It is now time for the train to arrive. We have in any case accomplished what we have come for." He prevailed upon Bapu Nagarkar to accompany him and they both started for the station. Chandorkar and Kangaokar stayed on at Shirdi as per Baba's instructions.


Baba then said to Nanasaheb, "Have you noticed how people behave? They leave those with them and go away to seek their own selfish interests. That is why we should bring with us those who stay with us till the end of the world as the perfume stays with the flower."


They all finished their meal. Baba said, "Now you can start. Believe in my words. Do not worry that you will miss the train. There is time yet for its arrival." Chandorkar and his friend believed Baba. They listened to his advice and after reverentially saluting his feet, started for Kopargaon. As they reached the station, they found Bapu Nagarkar and Ramadas with drawn faces, famished with hunger. They could not find anything to eat at the railway station.


They hung their heads in shame as they saw Nanasaheb Chandorkar. Nana said, "Why, you have still not left for Ahmed Nagar? It seems that your train has still not arrived." Nagarkar replied, "Today the train is late by three hours. It is our fate to fast and go hungry today. We have received our just desserts as we have not heeded the instructions of that great saint, Sai Baba."


The train arrived and they all boarded it to go to Ahmed Nagar. Sri Sai Baba knows the past, present and the future. His words are never in vain. My obeisance to the great Sai Baba, my only refuge.



(SRI SAI GURUCHARITRA - by devotee Ganpatrao Dattatreya Sahasra-buddhe better known as Das Ganu Maharaj)


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