Wednesday, November 9, 2011




Baba said, "We should mean well and do well." Sri Sai Satcharitra, Ch. 21.


Once Lord Shiva and his consort, Parvati, were traveling with their vehicle - the Bull. The Lord had taken the form of an old man, while, Parvatiji remained young and beautiful. On the road all passers-by looked on with amazement at this odd couple of an old man and a young woman.

On the way, Shiva said, ''Parvatiji, my dear, please sit and ride on the bull during this journey.'' She obeyed and mounted the bull while Shiva walked alongside.

The village folk and other strangers bitterly criticized, ''What a selfish woman. She is young and
healthy and yet she chooses to comfortably ride while forcing the old man to walk.'' Shiva changed his mind. ''Parvati Devi, the people are mocking you. It is wiser that I sit and you walk.''
So saying, Shiva sat on the bull's back. Further along, other strangers came with sharper comments, ''O look at this man, bully of a man. He's fat and robust, and evil too. He enjoys the ride while forcing this young and gentle lady to walk on foot.''

Hearing this both of them climbed the bull. At least, this would ward off the criticisms. But they were gravely mistaken and no sooner had they come to the next village, people sneered and jeered. ''Look at this nasty couple. Both of them have mercilessly climbed upon the bull. They'll kill the poor creature.''

Now there was only one option left. They dismounted and allowed the bull to walk freely. They accompanied it on either side. While they walked, they met new people with new bitterness. They laughed at them, shouting ''What foolishness. They have taken a bull as a vehicle and neither of them is using it.''

Straight away Shiva told Parvati, ''Come let us do what we think is right, and live the way we want to. The world will never appreciate or see what we do as correct.''

In this world, even if we perform a good deed not everyone will like it and support it. The problem lies with the nature of our world. Once you have set the ideal for yourself, begin to be true to yourself. Bring about a greater and ever greater measure of co-ordination between your thought, word and deed. Say what you think and do what you say. Shed all hypocrisy. Remove all hypocrisy from your life. Hypocrisy is the sworn enemy of peace of mind.


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