Wednesday, November 23, 2011




"The guide will take you straight to your destination." – Sri Sai Satcharitra, Ch. 2.


There was a man who was rich beyond measure. His house was vast, but had only one door. One day a fire broke out in the house, and quickly spread through its rooms. The man had many children-twenty, thirty, or even forty-who were playing in one of the rooms. They were quite unaware of the fire.


The man ran to the room where the children were playing, told them about the fire, an urge them to leave at once. But they were so engrossed in their games that they did not listen to him. He told them that, unless they left quickly, they would be burn to death by the fire. This time they listened to him; but since they did not understand what a fire was, they i not take him seriously.


Then the father said: "In the garden outside the house there are many new toys, which are rare and hard to find.  For example, there are toy carts on which you can ride. I suggest you go and play with these new toys.' The children were excited by the prospect of having new toys; so they ran out of the house, and their lives were saved.


In this parable the father represents an enlightened teacher, and the children represent ordinary human beings.

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