Thursday, November 24, 2011




"Don't be afraid, don't care a jot, the Merciful Fakir will save you." – Sri Sai Satcharitra, Ch.  23



A young student at a Zen monastery comes to his master and throws himself at his feet, sobbing. The teacher lifts him up gently, and asks him, "What is troubling you, my son?"


"O master," the student falters, "I am so discouraged. My meditation is a nightmare—my mind is always running after worldly thoughts, my legs ache, I'm constantly falling asleep… I cannot concentrate on anything for even a breath. I think that I am just not cut out for meditation."

The master pats his head and comforts him "Do not worry, my child. This is only a stage. It will pass, it will pass." The student heaves a big sigh, bows to his master, and goes back to the meditation hall.

A few days later, he comes running to his master, grinning from ear to ear. "O master, by your grace, my meditation is completely transformed now. I'm getting so much joy, so much peace, so much depth…"

The master responds calmly, "Do not worry, my son. It will pass."

The secret to successful living is to not get attached to anything. In this world, we are to "become passers-by," said Lord Jesus in the Gospel of Thomas, Logion 42. Thank God for whatever comes, for it is His gift, whether people call it `good' or `bad'. "In praise and blame, I remain the same" goes the traditional saying; or as Lord Buddha declared, aniccha aniccha—"Everything arises and passes away."

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