Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Protect yourself against fire crackers this Diwali

Diwali means joy, fun and togetherness. It is a festival when all of us come together to celebrate the victory of good over evil.

Diwali also means new clothes, diyas and candles, colourful electric lamps, sweets and firecrackers.

To make your Diwali a truly joyous occasion, here are some do's and dont's you should follow. Ensure you and your family takes these precautionary measures to enjoy a peaceful Diwali.


  1. Always get firecrackers from an authorized manufacturer.
  2. Keep the crackers in a closed box and place it in a cool and dry place.
  3. Keep them away from the reach of children and also from source of fire.
  4. Go through the safety recommendations provided by the company.
  5. Make sure you have enough open space to light your crackers.
  6. Maintain arm's length distance while you burst crackers.
  7. To ensure maximum safety from fire, wear heavier cotton clothes.
  8. Throw used fireworks in a water bucket which would avoid people from stepping on used fireworks.
  9. Keep buckets filled with water, portable extinguishers ready if in case any fire turns out.
  10. If your clothes catch fire do not panic, drop down on the ground and roll.
  11. Ensure a safe place for people who can become sick due to the smoke and noise generated.
  12. Burst rockets by placing them in a bottle filled with sand.


  1. Do not burn crackers in crowded places and also near sources of fire.
  2. Do not let children burst crackers unless accompanied by an adult.
  3. Do not bend over while lighting crackers especially flower pots.
  4. Never re-ignite crackers that do not light at the first instance.
  5. Do not rush immediately toward crackers that haven't caught fire, wait for a while and then go.
  6. Do not hold crackers in your hand and light them.
  7. Never burst crackers from a metal containers or glass bottle for special effects.
  8. Do not throw lit firework on people, it's a criminal offence.
  9. Do not keep pets near the firing place as the noise generated can hamper them.

So, before you even start hosting the light and sound show make sure you follow the above listed precautions, thus ensuring that everyone around will have a safe and happy Diwali.

Have a safe and happy Diwali and may the festival of light expel the darkness out of your homes.

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