Thursday, October 20, 2011




Baba said, "He who thus comes to Me, becomes one with Me, just as a river gets to the sea and becomes merged (one) with it." Sri Sai Satcharitra, Ch. 44



An old Master instructed an unhappy young man to put a handful of salt in a glass of water and then to drink it. 

"How does it taste?" the Master asked.

"Awful," spat the apprentice.

The Master chuckled and then asked the young man to take another handful of salt and put it in the lake. 

The two walked in silence to the nearby lake and when the apprentice swirled his handful of salt into the lake, the old man said, "Now drink from the lake."

As the water dripped down the young man's chin, the Master asked, "How does it taste?" 

"Good!" remarked the apprentice. "Do you taste the salt?" asked the Master. "No," said the young man.

The Master sat beside this troubled young man, took his hands, and said,

"The Guru Krupa is like pure water lake, if you mix your pains and troubles of salt water in the cup, it will merge in pure water and vanish its salinity without leaving any traces. Similarly, with Baba\s grace, you will not get any trouble in your life.

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