Wednesday, October 12, 2011




"Did not know what to do, but began to pray to Baba for relief." – Sri Sai Satcharitra, Ch. 34.


Ever noticed that when you're in a hurry you hit every one of those red traffic lights? I am an elementary school teacher, and every minute counts in the morning. I want to get to my classroom early enough that I can get myself settled before all of the children rush in.


About two years ago, I found myself stuck behind a long line of cars at an intersection, waiting for the light to change to green… and waiting… and waiting. I tapped my fingers impatiently on the steering wheel. Change already, I thought.


All of a sudden, a friend's name popped into my mind. She had been dealing with some health troubles lately and I knew that things were difficult for her.


"Dear Lord," I said, "wrap your loving arms around my friend and please bring her the comfort and peace she needs." Saying those words immediately made me feel calmer too. Just as I finished saying the prayer, the light turned green.


Now, whenever I'm sitting at a red light, instead of waiting impatiently, I take a moment to pray. That's just the kind of stop I like to make.

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