Wednesday, August 5, 2009




Baba said, "I take nothing from anybody" in Sri Sai Satcharitra, ch. XXXVI.


Sri R. Subramaniam, Lakshmipuram colony, Villivakam, Chennai, and his friends visited holy places of North India and Nepal in March 1986. The group comprising ladies and gentlemen, purchased sarees, electronic goods, other items at Nepal which were cheaper than in India.


On their way back from Nepal at Sowali, Gorakpur District Customs Authorities verifying the purchases made, charged a duty of Rs. 4000.00 on the items. Sri Subramaniam who happened to be the only Hindi knowing person in the group pleaded with the authorities to reduce the duty, which was reduced to Rs 1000. But the group members out of greediness or out of ignorance of law said that they could pay only Rs 500 in total.


Sri Subramaniam who had not made any purchases, but was only pleading for his friends was aghast at the adamancy of his groups. Unless the duty is paid, the Customs authorities would not allow the bus to proceed. Sri Subramaniam was embarrassed to meet the Customs officer to say that the group would pay only Rs 500/- as duty. Sri Subramaniam silently prayed to Sai Baba to get him out of this embarrassing predicament.

      At this time an officer arrived in a jeep and entered the Customs office. Sri Subramaniam was called inside the Customs office. This officer told him that he is a Supervisory Customs Officer for Gorakhpur District, that he is a Sai devotee and that he had seen Sri Subramaniam in the Shrine at Shirdi on 2nd and 3rd February 1986. The officer apprised of the predicament being faced by Sri Subramaniam, suddenly produced from his pocket and asked him to pay the Customs duty and obtain receipt. He even said that "this Rs 500/- is your money, you had given me earlier." Sri Subramaniam was perplexed, as he had not met this gentleman earlier, much less paid him Rs 500/-. The officer on special duty got into his jeep and was off. The Customs officer now became very cordial and said that his boss usually does not visit on Sundays!

When Sri Subramaniam reached Chennai at the conclusion of the trip, his landlord handed over to him an envelope from Sri D Sankaraiah of Hyderabad, which contained receipt for Rs 500/- which money was earlier collected by Sri Subramaniam and sent to Sri Sankaraiah for Akhanda Sai Nama Saptaham. Sri Sankaraiah had mentioned that since he did not know the addresses of the individual contributors, he had requested Sri Subramaniam to pass on the receipts on his behalf.

At this it flashed to him "Remember you had given me Rs 500/-. This is your own money."


(from the book 'The Eternal Sai')

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