Thursday, August 6, 2009




Baba said, "Those devotees, who are attached to Me, heart and soul, will naturally feel happiness" in Sri Sai Satcharitra, ch.III.


Mrs. Vimala Kaiser, Hoffman Street, Darmstad, West Germany, had a daughter by name Meenakshi who was eight years old. Since birth the child suffered from a skin ailment which would become worse in the summer months due to the presence of pollen. The family are devotees of Sai Baba.

The child's condition became worse in 1984, Mrs Kaiser's sister who lives in Bombay, sent udhi for application. With the application of udhi, the condition became better. But after some months, the allergic condition spread all over the body. Hence the family from Germany comprising the husband, wife and the child and Mrs Kaiser's sister, went to Shirdi in December 1986 and prayed before Baba. Since then the skin condition began to improve.


The summer months, of 1987 approached. The child desired to visit her grandparent's house in Germany and go for horse riding there. Mrs Kaiser was not sure how the child's condition would react in view of the child being allergic to animals and pollen. So she asked her child to write a prayer to Sai Baba. The child wrote from her heart in German, to put an end to her allergic skin condition and asked the priest to place this letter on the Samadhi of Sai Baba in Shirdi. Mrs Kaiser translated this letter to English and sent the same to Shirdi. The child immediately put the udhi in her mouth, and prayed to Sai Baba to cure her ailment and enable her to go for horse riding. Since then the child's skin condition became completely cured.


In July 1987, the summer vacation in Germany, the child went to her grandparent's house, and enjoyed herself to the full. There was no skin reaction inspite of summer and inspite of contact with the animals.

(From the book 'The Eternal Sai')

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