Wednesday, January 21, 2009



Baba said, "He who casts aside his egoism and thanks Him and he, who trust Him entirely will have his shackles removed and will obtain liberation" in Sri Sai Satcharitra Ch.XXXIV.

Do not imagine yourself to be great because of your superior birth, social status, learning, wealth and position. Remember; the same Lord is pervading all. Superiority exists only in our worldly relations and does not belong to the Atma.

In our worldly relations observance of indiscriminate equality is impossible and harmful; therefore, observing inequality, where necessary, in our worldly relations, maintain equality in your mental outlook. Know all to be equal so far as the Atma is concerned. Neither look down upon another as inferior, not let any sense of self-importance enter your mind.

He is really great, who regards himself as humbler than the humblest creature. Remember always this secret.

God is ever and every moment with you. Do not forget this fact. The sense of His being always present with you will prove very helpful in ridding you of all fear and sin. This is not a mere hypothesis; He isreally present with everyone of us.

Increase your faith in the existence of God; the day you are fully assured of His existence you will be absolved of all sins and will inevitably have your face turned towards God.

Always try to make yourself strong, healthy, powerful and pure. In order to achieve this purpose, you will have to persuade yourself that you are really so. And, in fact, you are so. You are not the body; you are the spirit. And the spirit is always strong, healthy, powerful and pure. It is only when one identifies oneself with the body that weakness, disease, impotence and impurity creep in.

Identifying yourself with the body, never imagine that you are strong, healthy, powerful and pure. Your doing so will simply go to swell your vanity, because these qualities do not exist in the body.

Identifying of self with the body is itself a sin and is the greatest form of impurity. Regard yourself either as the Atma, a pure and integral part of God Himself, or as a servant of God, the Lord of the heart. The Atma is intrinsically pure and strong, whereas a servant of God also, through the contact and power of his Master, becomes as pure and strong as the Master Himself.

Never try to circumscribe God. He is indefinable. He is both possessed of Form and Formless, and is also beyond Form and Formlessness both. In whatever aspect the devotee worships Him, he will find in that very aspect. There lies his divinity.

Without wasting time in the attempt to understand intellectually the nature of God and His creation, cling to anyone of the numerous paths of discipline with reverence and devotion and begin to advance alongthat path. As you proceed, the whole enigma will begin to unravel itself to you. If instead of marching along any path you idly spend your time in discussions, you will identify yourself with a particular creed and waste your life in fruitless controversies and disputations. Truth is not realized through arguments and theological discussions, it is realized through service of one's preceptor and by reverently treading the path prescribed by him.

(Courtesy: Wavelets of Bliss – by Sri. Hanumanprasad Poddar)

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