Thursday, January 22, 2009



With Baba's Grace, Das Ganu not only escaped from punishment, but he thought he had a very good chance of rising in his profession. With that thought upper most in his mind, he was riding past Shirdi to go somewhere. Just as his horse came to Shirdi, and when he did not want to alight there but to pass on without seeing Baba, Baba was on the road and made him alight. Then Baba asked, "Arre, who is it that swore with a palmful of water in his hand, man?" Then Das Ganu'sunabashed reply was, "What of that? Baba, I am going to resign after all, after I get the Fouzdarship". Baba said that he would see to it that he resigned, and added `Until a peg is driven into you, (i.e., pressure becomes painful), you will not obey'.

Das Ganu thought there was no further pressure. But pressure came. He along with three other Constables was told off to the duty of capturing a notorious dacoit, who was a terror to the whole country side, and whose organisation was so vast and wonderful that even the Police Department was in his pay, that is, several of the Police Department were in his pay and he could checkmate their movements.

Das Ganu went off to Lonivarni, a place which that famous Khana Bhil by name, was visiting. But Khana Bhil was a man of extra-ordinary abilities. He had shot the other three persons nominated along with Ganpat Rao (Das Ganu) to catch him, and was determined to deal withGanpat Rao in the same way. Ganpat Rao disguising himself as a Ramdasi was making use of the village children, learnt from them details about the visits of these robbers, and communicated their movements to the police head quarters.

Suddenly one day Khana Bhil turned up, seized Ganpat Rao by his neck, and said, `You fellow, you are going to catch me! Do you know that it is Khana Bhil that has now caught you? Now I am going to shoot you, as I have already shot your three companions. Ganpat Rao was in terror. He was close to Sri Rama's image. He suddenly fell at its feet and thinking of Sai, and said, `Save me, save me. I will give up all my police efforts'. Khana Bhil was softened instead of shooting at both Ganpat Rao and the image, he said, `I let you off this time. But if you again interfere in my affairs, you are a dead man. Remember.'

But the ambition of Ganpat Rao was not to be quenched. Again he got information about Khana Bhil's movements and communicated it to the authorities, with the result that a police force armed with carbines, etc., was sent to surround the hillock on which Khana Bhil and his men had pitched their camp. A fierce battle was fought between the dacoit gang and the police, and Khana Bhil effected his escape. Ganpat Rao knew that his life was doomed. So he went to Nana Chandorkar and with his good offices secured a medical certificate and got relieved of his detective duties. Thus for a second time his prayer to Baba to save his life was effectual.

Courtesy: HH Pujyasri B. V. Narasimha Swamiji

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