Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Selfless Sai Service by Jankibai Tambe

Selfless Sai Service by Jankibai Tambe


But as wonderful are the ways of Sai Baba, He has graced the Sansthan with another lady full of Vairagya and selflessness in the person of Mrs. Jankibai Tambe alias Shrimati Sai Mai (daughter of the late Purushottam Sakhararn alias Balasaheb Bhate - a devout devotee of Sai Baba) who is admiringly filling up the gap created by the demise of Radhakrishnamai. This Sai Mai has dedicated all her moveable and immoveable property to the Sansthan by a deed of settlement dated 2.1.1943.


Not only this, but from her office in the Sansthan known as 'Bhojan Sevika', she has been discharging with wonderful zeal, promptitude and care, worthy of admiration. She has been often found to be doing her work unmindful of her own health, as she believed that the service of the Sansthan is the service of Sai Baba. So, in spite of all odds, the credit of the satisfactory management of the 'Bhojan Griha', which is exclusively meant for the benefit of the devotees of Sai Baba, goes to her. But for her strenuous efforts, it would not be possible for the Sansthan to maintain any 'Bhojan Griha' at all. The Sansthan Committee, therefore, prays to Sai Baba to see that this lady is duly assisted by all concerned in her aforesaid services of Sai Baba.


Source- Saibaba of Shirdi by Moreshwar Pradhan.

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