Monday, January 18, 2016

An error worth ten rupees led to the resolution of the biggest error of life

An error worth ten rupees led to the resolution of the biggest error of life



Sri Chinnappa Swamiji was a great Saint and an ardent follower of Shirdi Sai Baba. He led a quiet life at Hysodlour near Hudikeri in Kodagu District of Karnataka after taking premature retirement from the Indian Airlines.


Born in Kodagu somewhere in 1927, Chinnappa lost his parents in his childhood. His grandfather brought him up in an affluent coffee planter's family. Extremely intelligent, Chinnappa was a lover of devotional practices and spiritual pursuit. Even as a student, he mastered epic poems like the Ramayana and Bhagavatam besides other 'Puranas".


When he was just 12 years old he was infused with such longing for God that he began to look for a Guru. His favorite God was Lord Krishna and would spend the early hours of the day in a nearby temple singing the glories of Lord Krishna. He was blessed by a vision of Lord Krishna. He joined St. Philomena's College at Mysore for his collegiate education. At Mysore his 'sadhana' continued. He came in contact with Shri Raju who had established a Sai Baba Mandir at Mysore in the early forties. Chinnappa saw Lord Krishna in Sai Baba. He also influenced by the magnetic spell of Sri Narasimha Swamiji when had come lo Mysore for 'Sai Prachar'.


Chinnappa Swamiji joined the Indian Airlines at Calcutta. He decided against marriage and family life and continued his spiritual pursuit. His apartment was a mini Sai Mandir. He used to perform Krishna and Sai Pooja and conduct regular bhajans in his apartment. Who was Chinnappa's Guru? Who initiated him on the path of God-realisation? It is indeed an interesting story.


Chinnappa served the Indian Airlines with his heart and soul. Very sincere in his work once Chinnappa failed to account for ten rupees. He repeatedly tried to recollect where he had missed it, but in vain. He was concerned and his search for the missing tanner took a desperate turn. That evening, he overstayed in the office and busied himself with locating the error. For the first three quarters of the night he poured over the account books. At last in the fourth quarter, he found it. Overpowered by joy and hilarity, he clapped his hands loudly. His Officer asked Chinnappa the reason for his unusual hilarity. With all humility, Chinnappa told him about the missing tenner and his desperate search to locate the error in the account books. And finally, he told him how he could detect the error, which explained his joyous mood.


Hearing this, the Officer said: "If the detection of an error worth ten rupees has given you so much joy, how much more happiness you would get by detecting the biggest error of your life! If you apply yourself to solving this greatest error with the tenacity you displayed to resolve the error worth ten rupees, you will realize God. Is He anywhere far away"


Chinnappa's moment had come. His eyes were opened. He considered his Officer as his Guru, who had removed the veil covering his vision. Henceforth, he set out to solving the mystery of life with all his heart and soul, and as a result, was very soon blessed with God-realization. He attained the goal of human life. An error worth ten rupees led Chinnappa Swamiji to the resolution of the biggest error of life.


(Source: Sai Paadham magazine)


He is true that by Guru's grace the sadhaka should attain purity and also, that the Sadhaka has to go through concentrated sadhana for self-purification. It must not be forgotten that the Guru works in the Sadhaka from within. In fact the sadhaka and the Guru are one and the same.


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