Thursday, March 10, 2011

You have a story to share!

Hello Everyone,


So good to see your smiling faces, well imagine them anyway.


I know each and every one of you has a fantastic story to share.  A miracle, or something that just brought a smile to your face.  A story of inspiration, laughter, discovery, a kind gesture from a complete stranger, a pet that did something so human -like, it amazed you.  


I can't wait to hear YOUR story, and I know taking a few moments to recall and write down and share your story will bring a smile to your face, a tear of joy to your eye, a healing, you know a reminder of the love that surrounds all of us, and is in us.


Okay, you want to know what this all about, I am complying a book of stories, YOUR stories, that will inspire, heal, cause uncontrollable laughter and smiling in the world.


I know you want to be a part of that, so take a moment or two and send me YOUR stories.


If any friends or family members would also like to share their stories, feel free to give them my e-mail.



Be well dear friends,

Arianne Goodwin/Little Horse Winddrinker

New Website - coming soon!



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