Friday, December 31, 2010



This is new day of New Year.

I wish you must become new.


*      Forget unpleasant things that may have happened in the past.

*      Begin with what you have. Do not wait for conditions to change.

*      Now is the time, here is the place. Begin.

*      Expect the best and you will have it. Be positive.

*      Sow good seeds in the field of your life. Think good thoughts, speak good words and perform good deeds.

*      Appreciate every one whom you deal with today and all the days.

*      Decide to forgive, and more importantly to forget, a hurt offered to you.

*      Just for today, decide that you will not get angry or lose your temper at all and try to continue.

*      Approach any of your elders, bow down to them and thank them for all that they have done for you.

*      Today, count your blessings! Express your gratitude to God for all the things you take for granted: the air you breathe, the movement of your limbs, your sense of sight and sound.

*      Maintain your equilibrium and your silence even if you are accused wrongly of anything.

*      Do not argue your opinion in any discussion. Listen patiently to the other's view. Then, if necessary you may gently explain yours.

*      Begin and end your day with a long and loving chat with God, your Eternal friend and companion.

Try and put these ideas into practice, and write down how you did it in your diary. If you succeed in following even a few of these ideas, you are well on your way to becoming a New you.  And you will be well on your way to a peaceful and beautiful 2012.
With Prayers 
N. Sivanandam



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