Friday, October 2, 2009

YOU are the creator of your own destiny

YOU are the creator of your own destiny



Do you believe in miracles?


Do you want them to happen in your life?


Then here's a probable way:


  1. Believe that God is All-powerful and there's nothing impossible for Him.


  1. Be clear about what you want.


  1. Be sure of the motivation of the desire (It should have nothing that may enhance the ego)


  1. Sit in silence and invite God to discuss your needs with you. Trust and hold on to the first image of God that comes to you. Listen for comments and suggestions. Surrender your desire with a bubble of light. Concentrate on the bubble and let it grow in the energy of your intense desire and imagination until it explodes all over you. Celebrate your success. Thank God and get back to your duties.


  1. Trust. And all things will work to your good.


Thoughts are building blocks of life. Thoughts can make or mar your life. YOU are the creator of your own destiny!



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