Tuesday, October 6, 2009




Baba said, "The simple remembrance of My name as 'Sai, Sai' will do away with sins of speech and hearing" in Sri Sai Satcharitra, Ch. III.


Once it came to pass that pride entered the heart of sage Narada. He began to think that he was the greatest devotee of the Lord. Surely, there was no one who could surpass his faith and piety.


The Lord read his mind. He said to Narada, "I would like you to visit the earth, where lives a true devotee of mine. I am sure you would be very happy to meet him."


Narada is intrigued. Who could be this 'true devotee' so warmly recommended by the Lord?


Narada goes to the earth plane, to a particular place as directed by the Lord. He is surprised to see a poor farmer!


The man wakes up in the morning and utters the Name of the Lord – just once. He then takes his plough and goes out to till the land. All day long he toils, and then returns to his humble dwelling for a simple meal. At night, before he falls asleep with exhaustion, he utters the Name of God – just once!


"How could this man be a bhakta?" Narada wonders. "Surely, the Lord has made a mistake in pointing him to me."


And so Narada returns to the Lord and narrates what he has seen. "Strange are the ways of your true devotee sire," he tells the Lord. "The whole day long he tills his land – and he utters your Divine Name but twice."


"I have a task for you, dear Narada," says the Lord. "Here is a cup of oil. Take it in your hand and go around my abode once. But make sure you do not spill even one drop of oil!"


Narada does as he is told. Ever so carefully, he carried the cup of oil and circumambulates the Lord's abode. Having completed the assignment successfully, he returns to the presence of the Lord.


"I have done as You bade me, dear Lord," he announces, with what he thinks is justifiable pride.


"Well done! But tell Me, dear Narada, how often did you remember Me in the course of your round?" asks the Lord with a smile.


"How could I remember You?" blurts out Narada. "All my attention was focused on the oil. You had told me not to let even a drop of oil spill over!"


The Lord's smile is divine mischief itself! "This cup of oil so engrossed your attention that you did not remember me even once!" He tells Narada. "The poor farmer carries the burden of his entire family, still remembers Me twice a day! Is he not a true devotee?"







Yahoo! India has a new look. Take a sneak peek.

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