Sunday, May 3, 2009

No Substitute for.......

Baba said, "Do your duty, leaving all attachment to the things of this world and next" in Sri Sai Satcharitra, Ch. XXXI.

Thomas Alva Edition was an indefatigable innovator. He experimented constantly, trying out new solutions, searching for new methods to solve old problems.

At one stage in his career, he experimented ceaselessly to try and find a substitute for lead, in the manufacture of storage batteries. He carried out over 20,000 experiments on this problem – all to no avail! Success eluded him, despite his phenomenal perseverance.

A reporter who came to interview him, asked him, "Aren't you discouraged by this failure? 20,000 experiments – and all your efforts have gone in vain!"

"In vain?" exclaimed Edison. "That may be the way you look as it. As for me, I have discovered 20,000 things that can't substitute lead!"

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