Tuesday, May 5, 2009




Sagun stayed away at Shirdi running a hotel and he wanted nothing. He then realized why Sri Tembe Swamiji Maharaj said that he was the man of a great darbar and what Sadhu meant when he said, fourteen years earlier, "When are you coming to me?"


Sagun Hotel was situated just opposite the place where pilgrims to Shirdi alighted. One such pilgrim was Tendulkar from Betul District. After taking bath, he had darshan of Sai Baba in the Masjid and he invited Baba to lunch with him. Baba smiled and kept quite. This went on for four of five days, and everyday Tendulkar ordered two meals, ate one and asked Sagun to keep one covered up.


One night at 10 o'clock Sagun was cleaning his vessels for milking his cows. A sadhu approached him and said, "Give me the meal kept for me." Sagun was a little surprised at his demand but served him cheerfully from what was kept covered up. After finishing his dinner, he said, "Call the man who ordered this for me". Sagun sent for Tendulkar but he was sleeping soundly and did not wake up. "Let it be", said the sadhu, "I belong to the Nath panth (Nath tradition). Be feeding the hungry like this. God will do you good."


All devotees of Sai Baba at Shirdi came to know of this incident. Shama asked Baba whether he went to Sagun for meal the previous night. Baba smiled and said, "I ate and returned. If anyone comes to us for food we should not turn him away. If we have nothing to give, atleast a little jaggery should be given."


(Written by: HH Pujya Acharya E Bharatwaja in Sai Baba the Master)


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