Friday, March 6, 2009


In this article we provide an overview on how prayer works. There are two types of prayers – for worldly benefit and for spiritual growth. Accordingly the prayers are answered by a different aspect of God. Spiritual research has shown that even negative energies can answer prayers, to our detriment! One’s spiritual level is the single most important factor in ensuring that one’s prayers are answered. Praying for world peace, while a noble thought, is most likely not to be answered due to lack of spiritual level of the people praying. Paradoxically the people who can really effect change through a single prayer are Saints but They see the futility of praying as they are totally in alignment with God’s will and don’t see it separate from Theirs. Lastly the posture of prayer also contributes in the prayer being answered.

1. Introduction to the mechanism of prayer

2. How are prayers answered? What is the mechanism?

2.1 Who answers our prayers?

2.2 How are prayers answered?

3. When do our prayers work?

4. What decides the effectiveness of one’s prayer?

4.1 The spiritual level of a person and prayer

5. What is the best posture for prayer?

5.1 Explanation Stage 1 of prayer posture (mudraa)

5.2 Explanation Stage 2 of prayer posture (mudraa)

5.2.1 Correct posture of the head while praying

5.3 When praying with spiritual emotion

5.4 Does it mean that every time we pray we should take this position?

5.5 Comparative effectiveness of prayer positions

6. Key summary points on the mechanism of prayer


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