Thursday, August 4, 2011




Baba said, "Read this (Gita) completely and you will be benefited" in Sri Sai Satcharitra, Ch. 27

Swami Vivekananda was a man of great wisdom. He was mature enough to meet any challenge that came before him, however serious it might have been. One of his stories is worth quoting.


His Christian friend, intending to test the Swami's mettle, invited him to his house where he seated him in a room, opposite a table on which lay piled, one on top of other, sacred books of major world religions.


They were placed in such an order that the Bhagavad Gita was at the bottom and the Bible was right on top. Would Vivekananda get provoked, the host wondered.


But before his guest could say anything, the host pointed towards the books and asked: "Swamiji what is your comment on this arrangement?"


Swamiji smiled gently and said: "The foundation is really good."

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