Saturday, August 6, 2011




Baba said, "Though I have become a Fakir, have no house or wife, and though leaving off all cares, I have stayed at one place, the inevitable Maya teases Me often." – Sri Sai Satcharitra, Ch. 13


There lived a Sage, who was very pious and was doing penance for the interest of mankind. By caste, he was a Brahmin. Lord Krishna was very pleased with his penance and asked him for any boon. Sage Uttanga told Him that he was desireless and he did not want anything, but Lord Krishna insisted for some boon to be granted to him as a reward to his penance. As Lord Krishna insisted, the latter asked for a boon that whenever he was in need of water (and since this area is a desert area) and whenever he felt thirsty, water may be provided to him. Lord Krishna granted him the boon and disappeared.


One day, the Sage Uttanga after walking for a long distance in the desert area felt thirsty, but there was no trace of water. Then he remembered that the Lord Krishna had granted him a boon that he would find water. The moment this thought was within his mind, he saw a hunter dressed in torn rags accompanied by furious dog, carrying water in a leather pouch and asked him, "Sir, would you like to have some water." Looking at the apparent condition of the hunter, being a staunch Brahmin, the Sage felt repelled. He politely refused "No, Thank you." The hunter again approached him for the water, but in utter disgust and in anger the Sage told the hunter to go away and that he was not interested in the water. The hunter and the dogs disappeared. Witnessing this, he realized that it must be God, who disguised Himself and came to quench his thirst. He felt hurt how Lord Krishna could send water to me through a scheduled caste. How could He expect a Brahmin to accept and drink water from the leather pouch?


Meantime, Lord Krishna appeared, smiled and asked him: "Do you know who was the Chandala? I had asked the Indra Devta to fetch the water, who instead of water, had actually brought nectar to make you immortal, but on one condition to test whether you could see the Divinity in all. Hence I allowed him to do so."


Sage Uttanga understood how he was failed in the test. It was his Ego, which made him refuse the nectar, which came in the form of water and through Indra Devta.


When Sages like Uttanga could fail when tested, what are we? Are we capable and fully equipped to understand the Leela or Maya of God? We, therefore, have to be constantly on guard and develop sharp sense to understand the real meaning of life, and stay away from our ego.

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