Thursday, March 30, 2017





I do not have the power to make you fly in the sky by giving you a Mantra for recitation. Do not expect such power to be bestowed on you by me. I am not the Almighty. I am just a servant of God. I was longing earnestly for His blessings. My Lord Allah is full of mercy. He has granted a bounty of spiritual wealth. There is no equal to Him. For Me too, there is no relation other than Him. I can not be away from Him even for a minute. I can not bear His separation even for a moment. I seek Him only through this path. I got His blessings. For you there are relatives. But for Me, He is the only one who is my closest and nearest. Allah is my Master. He is my Father, Mother and every relative. You may also adopt this path and reach Me. For this to happen only the path of devotion is the surest. The relationship borne out of devotion will permanently link you to Me. It will be difficult to reach Me through other means. If you are saturated with devotion towards Me, I will be also be saturated with Love for you. This is My path.





Have faith in My Sayings

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